Side Job: Unintentional Recruitment Drive

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Pier, City P

The camera pans down from a sunny sky onto a pier were we see Y/N in shorts and a denim jacket with a tiger face shirtless with his hair down instead of its usual faux hawk wearing pilot shades.

Walking through the pier Y/N was just enjoying a day off after doing hero work for four days in a row trying to climb up the ranks and dealing with some Rookie Crushers who really regretted getting out of bed that morning. Passing by the edge Y/N sees a girl in scuba gear heading for the edge of the water with a large net.

Y/N: Heya, what you doing?

Scuba Girl: Oh, I'm just going to clean some garbage off the coastline and salvage soem stuff... maybe get some treasure if I'm lucky.

Y/N: Well when you're done maybe I can help you sort through all the trash.

This got the Scuba Girl to react excitedly.

Scuba Girl: You might! But why?

Y/N: I have time, that and I did a little treasure hunting as a kid so i have a good eye for valuables among all the free crap.

Making the deal to sort through trash and getting something to eat Y/N sits down on a nearby bench and decides to enjoy the sights of the ocean with a corn dog but that is suddenly interrupted as he senses a large amount of killing intent coming from the ocean and drops his corn dog grabbing the Blood Berry and running towards the other endof the pier that was the most into the ocean as a giant bipedal seafolk Kaijin in a subligaculum (basically Roman men's underwear) with a Mosasaurus head and appearance holding a trident.

Ocean King: Pitiful surface-dwellers, I am the Ocean King! Now give up your world so that my successor the Deep-Sea Prince can rule the world for his coming of age gift!

(Ocean King, Threat Level: Dragon, The biggest fish in the biggest pond.)

The Ocean King then notices Y/N running up to him and standing guard.

Ocean King: YOU! Man in the denim jacket, are you the leader of the humans?



And with those words Ocean King bursts forth with his trident and tries to atttack Y/N only for him to activate the Blood Berry and Shadowstep behind him delivering a double slash to the monarch's back. Trying to retaliate the Ocean King spins his trident and goes for a stab only to be parried and entering a clash with Y/N.

Ocean King: Who... no WHAT are you?!

Y/N: Who me? I'm a Professional Hero, defender of the innocent, and your personal ass kicker!

Breaking the clash Y/N delivers a diagonal slash to the Ocean King's torso and following up with a spinning kick sending the Ocean King flying back towards the edge of the pier where the Scuba Girl was coming out of the water, noticing the Scuba Girl the Ocean King grabs her and holds her in the air pointing his trident at her.

Ocean King: Nice try human but my regeneration will heal any damage you deal faster than you can dish it out. If you are as good as you think "Hero" then come and save this girl.

But before he could finish that sentence Y/N was charging up energy and channeling it into his blade as it started glowing and swinging it launching an arc that flying at incredible speeds towards the Ocean King.


The arc hit the Ocean King and cut off the hand that was holding the Scuba Girl as it barely even sparyed a drop of blood.


Y/N: Surprised? It's because the Air Slash is a technique made with the intent to kill regenerators.

But the Ocean King was not going to take that lying down as he picked up his trident and tried to weakly stab Y/N who just blocked or sidesteps his attacks.

Y/N: Is this all you have to offer? Pitiful. How about I put you out of your misery.

With those parting words Y/N took a stance as the Ocean King raised his trident in an attempt to fight back with both getting ready to deliver the finishing blow.

Y/N: Strawberry...

Ocean King: Leviathan...

And rushing at each other they blitzed past screaming out their attack names.

Y/N: On the shortcake!

Ocean King: Thrust!

As they stood there for a second a small cut appeared on Y/N's cheek as the Ocean King was split in half with his trident being cut down to a more human size. Seeing the Kaijing bursting into blood and guts the crowd cheered and celebrated their survival while Y/N picked up the trident and walked over to the Scuba Girl.

Y/N: Here, take his trident.

Scuba Girl:  What?! But you took him down, you should keep it!

Y/N: Well I don't really use spears and you got in danger because I wasn't careful, so you should keep it. You can sell it if you want.

And without further argument Y/N left the pier and headed home to handle his paperwork for the association. But unbeknownst to him several people took videos of his feats but since he didn't say his name no one knew what Class he was, but that didn't stop those who were there from being inspired to take action and become heroes, and the girl he gave the trident to would go on to become the C Class Hero "Swim" and would look up to Y/N as her idol and what it means to be a Hero.

End of Chapter

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