The Start Of Some Tomfoolery

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Hero Certificartion Exam, Venue 6

The camera pans to the inside of a dome were the hero exams are taking place with Saitama blitzing his way through the test as we see Y/N in sweatpants and a workout shirt with a tiger on it performing better than the other candidates in his group, by moving fast enough to create an afterimage for a fraction of asecond in the lateral jumps, outspeeding the others in the 1500-meter dash, lifting with some difficulty a similar amount of weights as Saitama, throwing the shot put to the end zone, gaining a little more height in the vertical jump by performing a double jump, using quick relfexes on the whack-a-mole and breaking a punch machine by delivering a double flying kick.

Some time later...

We see in the changing room Y/N putting on his jacket and belt as Saitama in a Speedo walks in.

Saitama: Phew... Finally done with the tests! Now we wait for the results.

Y/N: Great now can you please put some pants on?

Then Genos walks up from the other side of the locker room.

Y/N: You done too?

Genos: The written and physical exams were ridiculous.

Y/N: Yeah, and I didn't even put in any effort but I'm pretty sure that I scored higher than a 70.

Genos: The physical test was so easy we are sure to get perfect scores, the written test might be a problem but we should be fine.

One hour later...

Genos: I scored a100 and that I'm approved to bean S Class Hero. What is the purpose of assigning ranks? Masters?

Saitama: I passed, with a score of 71 making me Class C.

Y/N: I knew I didn't put a lot of effort in the written test but a 79? I guess I'll have to climb another ranking from the bottom, again.

Genos: I will lodge a complaint with the testers.

Y/N: Don't bother, in any ranking system you have to play by their rules, no exception.

Announcer: Mr. Genos, Mr. Saitama and Mr. Y/N, a seminar for succesful applicants will begin at 16:00. Please come to Hall 3.

Y/N: Alright, let's get through this seminar and then let's get something to eat.

The scene changes to the inside of Hall three as a Hero is lecturing the two No-longer-slackers and their acompaning modern art piece on information that they need to know as Y/N is just writing bullet points on a Post-it alongside a few doodles.

(Snakebite Snek, A Class, Rank 38, means well but his pride tends to bite him in the ass)

Snek: Congratulations on passing! Even though one of you got in on a fluke and the other one just did a little better, so don't let your good luck go to waste and work hard. But don't get cocky! From now on, you must live as beffiting heroes! Your aces will be on the Hero Association's website! Are you listening?! Your dumb mugs will be seen by the whole world! And unless you want to incur shame then you should aim to be a magnificient Hero like me!!

Snek said that last part while showing off his martial arts skills, to which no one was impressed. And then Saitama's bubble gum blew up in his face, irritating Snek as he was being ignored.

Snek: A Class heroes have some influence over the Association, but numbskulls can lose points and rank at any time! Remember that!

Y/N's mind: Can this guy get anymore boring?

Some time later...

We see our three heroes walking down a city street with Genos mentioning something about how he is now the disciple of the two fromer deadbeats, with Saitama regretting his promise and Y/N feeling curious about what it would be like to be a Sensei.

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