🌄Chapter one🌄

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"How am I meant to see her?! Charlie won't just let us have her?" Paul argues "He might as Liv and Morgan are making friends with her. She could come over and spend time with the girls." Rhea says pointing at the three girls.

"That's a good idea, Rhea go talk to Charlie now whilst you have a chance." Luna nudges her. Rhea makes her way over to Charlie and taps his shoulder."Hiya Rhea, how are you?" Charlie asked.

"I'm good thanks are you?" Rhea asked."I'm good thank you, what can I do for ya?" Charlie asks.

"Since Jessie getting along with Liv and Morgan I was wondering if you wouldn't mind Jessie coming down over the week or the weekend if you like? And of course, if she wants to as well?" Rhea asks.

"Well, she has her mother's funeral this Saturday so she can't this weekend," Charlie says with a sad look.

"Oh god, she lost her mother?" Rhea asks sympathetically."Yeah to cancer. She has not registered it yet as she has Asperger's. Autism so she doesn't always recognize when she meant to be sad." Charlie explains.

"To lose a parent at that young what about her dad?" Rhea wonders."Died when she was a baby," Charlie says."My condolences, anything we can do to help with the funeral?" Rhea offers.

"Not really, but I could so with support with food?" Charlie asks knowing Rhea does amazing food.

"Of course, we'll be there to support you all of us," Rhea says. Charlie nods in thanks and sees Jessie exploring with Paul by her side.

"How are you liking the reservation?" Paul asks. "It's nice and quiet," Jessie says. "You can always come and visit anytime you like Jessie and see Liv and Morgan," Paul says sitting next to Jessie who looking at the flowers

"Well I can't this weekend, my mom's funeral is this weekend and I don't know what to feel it's new to me I've never lost someone before and I don't like it," Jessie says nervously fidgeting.

"I've lost my mother, I still got my dad but we don't get along for a good reason," Paul says looking at Jessie.

"Will you come to the funeral? I'd like you to be there as I feel like you are meant to be there with me." Jessie says scooting closer to Paul.

"Of course, as long as Charlie is okay with it." Paul nods. Jessie looks at Paul and she decides he is a nice person. She moves and sits on Paul's lap and leans into his chest.

"I don't like physical contact much but I like it when I have you to hold," Jessie mutters sleepily. Charlie smiles at the hothead of reservation being able to connect with his autistic niece.

"Lahote!" Charlie calls Paul over. Paul lifts Jessie and holds her close to his chest. He lightly jogs over to Charlie.

"Yes, Chief?" Paul says. "I was wondering if you would like to attend the funeral with everyone as Jessie seems to like you a lot," Charlie says looking at a tired Jessie.

"She doesn't like people much and has a hard time connecting with people due to her autism. I'd like it if you could come as it would bring her comfort and me as well." Charlie says with a light smile.

"It would be my honour, Chief." Paul smiles." I apologize for your loss, sir." Paul adds. "Thank you, Paul," Charlie nods. "I'll take her off you now as we need to head home," Charlie says reaching toward Jessie.

Paul hesitantly passes over Jessie not wanting to lose his bond with the six-year-old. Paul passes Jessie over and Charlie puts the sleeping six-year-old in the car.

Charlie waves everyone off and Paul watches the cruiser leave. He gives Sam a pleading look and he nods. Paul jogs into the woods and phases and runs alongside the police car while remaining hidden from view. He gets there just to see Charlie pick up Jessie who is half awake.

"Where's Paul?" Jessie asks tiredly."He's back with Sam, you'll see him Saturday when we say goodbye to your mommy," Charlie explains.

"I like Paul," Jessie says slowly. "That's good, do you like everyone else you've met today?" Charlie asked. "I like them, I don't like Edward he is scary," Jessie says.

"Me neither," Charlie says as they head in. Paul sits by Jessie's window. He hears Jessie sitting by the window and she looks down to see Paul's wolf by her window.

"Hello? Are you here to hurt me?" Jessie asks. Paul shakes his head at her question. "Can you jump up?" Jessie asked. Paul nods and Jessie moves back Paul wolf jumps and enters her room.

"Woah you got to be a supernatural wolf because you're huge!" Jessie says with a fascinated grin.

Paul nods."Do I know your human side?" Jessie asked with a tilted look. Paul nods once more."Can I see?" Jessie asked. Paul shakes his head."Okay, maybe one day. I won't tell." Jessie smiles.

She puts her hand out to stroke his fur and waits for any signs that she could stroke him and Paul puts his head underneath her hand and nudges it.

"You're so fluffy!" Jessie grins. "I like animals, more than people. But Paul is my favorite person now too." Jessie smiles slightly. "I don't like Edward, he's creepy and pale like a vampire," Jessie frowns.

Paul growls slightly at the mention of Edward."You don't like him either?" Jessie asked. Paul shakes his head in response. Jessie goes to her bed and taps the side of her bed. Paul walks over to the side and lies next to her.

"Thank you for staying. I like you." Jessie says tiredly. Paul huffs in response and stays by Jessie's side as she falls asleep and heads toward the window. He jumps out sending out a howl to Sam and Jared.


Chapter one is done, Jessie has met Sam, Jared, Paul, Edward, Jacob, Sam's imprint and sisters and Jared's girlfriend. Paul imprinted on Jessie 🥺.

1. How was the chapter?
2. Do we want more?
3. How was Paul and Jessie's first meeting?
4. Should she meet the rest of the Cullens?
5. How cute is Paul with Jessie?

Jessie Swan- Paul Lahote Fanfic 🐺Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang