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A/N: SOOO before we start this very EXCITING chapter I wanted to know your guys opinion abt me using pictures for outfits for Cleo, I MEAN it would explain them better and im lazy to explain outfits like who isnt lazy these days? anywho ima either way do it so uhhhhhhhhhh idk OMG today was so funny i cant believe im saying mondays r funny BUT anyway lets start aka me to stop ranting abt nothing and to write this chapter :) DSDFYGYVB P.S im writing this on my computer so this will look a little diff from the one i do on my phonesios (started writing this on monday)

Pablo's P.O.V.
"did you like the food?" I asked "omg yes it was amazing" she said as she took her last sip of pepsi "aqui esta la cuenta" the waiter said as he left. I saw her she was looking for somthing in her bag. She took out her wallet.

"Im paying" I said as snatched the check before her utting her hands on it "no pablo I will" she said "noo I am" I said as I placed the amount of money to pay a tip. The waiter came back and took the check.

"Pablo, yk I can pay too" she said "yea I know but I invited so i pay you can pay when you invite me" I said "haha, true" she said with a smile as we walked out of the little resturant. I say she grabbed a hoodie and put it on her

 I say she grabbed a hoodie and put it on her

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The hoodie

We kept walking until we reached my car she had her face covered. "why are you covering youre face" I asked "well idk I feel like theres paparazzis near idk" she said "well alright" I said. I drove to a near park wich was very private. We got off my car and I took a bag that had 2 cleats and a futbol. She was observing the view and her face lit up seing it.

"whats in the bag" she asked. "oh, its a suprise" I said as we kept walking. We reached the little futbol field. I dropped the bag on the floor and opened it she seemed to be curious and watched as I took the cleats out of the bag. I gave the smallest pair to her hoping they'd fit.

"toma" I said to her handing the cleats. she grabbed them and took of her shoes. She looked like she had flayed futbol. I got my cleats and put them on. As she tied the cleats I took out the futbol.

"you're taking foreverrrrr" I tell her "well I want my cleats tied unlike you" she said pointing to my cleats. "its a style" I said she let out a chuckle. Although we were both in cargo pants Cleo rolled them up and so did I

"alright, do you know how to play" I asked her "uh I feel ofended but I do I play it still but not at the level my dad is I was more in photography" she said

I passed the ball to her and she looked like she knew what she was doing she did some tricks and then passed it back and then so on. We decided to play a little game and whoever loses has to ask the other to another date next week. "you're going down pablito" she said.

She started dribbling her way to the "arc" I tried to block her but she did an umbrella and made a goal. "1-0!" she said smiling. Her smile was so sweet and warm. As we continued i amde 10 goals while she made 8 more meaning she lost.

"well I guess I can pay this time" she said taking off the cleats and handing them to me. I put everything away and took off my cleats. We got back to my car as Cleo unrolled her pants. It was 5:30 p.m.

We drove to her house and said our goodbyes she said she would text me when she picked me up tuesday next week.

Cleo's P.O.V.
I got back from my date with Pablo. I was smiling a bit as I enetred my home.

"bueno como te fue" my mom asked I guess they got back earlier. "bien" I said "quien es el chico misterioso" my mom asked. I didnt tell who it was to either of my parents.
"Prometes no decirlo a papa?" I asked "si" my mom said "bueno... fue Gavi..." I said with a smile when I said his name.

Maybe I was inlove or maybe I just have a crush who knows...

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