He Xi frowned but didn't speak.

The man sighed and said, "Ordinary people absolutely aren't able to endure the pain of Burning Heart and Forged Body. Little girl, since your cultivation base is only at Foundation Establishment Stage, it's absolutely impossible for you to pass. This is the reason I set up restrictions so that only Gold Core Stage martial artists or higher can enter the secret territory's inner core. If you choose to give up now, you won't lose anything, but once the trial starts, you will undoubtedly die if you fail to pass."

Ordinary people can't endure it? But since when was she, He Xi, an ordinary person?

Thinking back, this was like the time when she was still training in the organisation. She sat with her eyes closed in a cage, and she didn't eat or drink for three days and nights straight. During that time, she wrestled with her comrades and fought with wild animals, and when she came out, none of the flesh on her body was still intact.

Chapter 223 – Do Your Best

At that time, in order to complete missions, she could motionlessly lurk in a wilderness full of poisonous insects for seven days and nights, all for the purpose of striking the lethal blow.

So would an insignificant pain like Burning Heart and Forged Body make her yield?

He Xi sneered, her gaze suddenly becoming resolute. "What should I do to pass this trial?"

The man seemed surprised for a moment, then he lightly laughed, "I really haven't seen such determined eyes for quite a while."

After a pause, his smile vanished and he continued, "Passing this first trial is actually very simple, you only need to keep circulating your spiritual power around your body during this painful torture, until the trial ends. Remember, your spiritual power must keep moving, it can't stop even for a moment; if it stops, your bones and meridians will immediately be jolted apart and you'll die."

"Little girl, don't think that this kind of trial is very easy. With such a tremendous amount pain, your mind will be unable to concentrate, while your Divine Sense will also become weaker. If you want to control your spiritual power, you must use willpower and determination a hundred times more focused than usual."

"I understand," He Xi's face was tranquil as she nodded, not a trace of nervousness or fear in her eyes.

A touch of admiration flashed in the man's eyes, and he lightly laughed as he said, "Since that's the case, then let's begin."

The man's voice had just faded, when a portion of ice cold spiritual power wrapped around Hexi's body. In a flash, intense pain assaulted her four limbs, bones, and internal organs once again. However this time, she clenched her jaws tightly, sat cross-legged, and closed her eyes as she steadily began to circulate her spiritual power.

A corner of the man's mouth hooked up, and as the dense mist that covered his face dispersed, it revealed refined and handsome features.

His pensive gaze landed on He Xi as she meditated cross-legged on the floor, and it was quite a long time before he chuckled, "Little girl, if you really are able to endure this trial, then there will be great benefits to your cultivation in the future. But really, the fact remains that passing this trial is extremely difficult, so do your best you!"

For a martial artist only on Foundation Establishment Stage, enduring a trial of such severe torture of her willpower and determination will help wield her soul into something extremely stable. Afterwards, when she advances and encounters the demon inside her heart and bottlenecks, she will be able to breakthrough with far less effort than other martial artists.

"A Foundation Establishment Stage martial artist wants to obtain the Maha Inheritance? Hehe, interesting…" The man's voice slowly faded out, and his figure gradually disappeared in the void.

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