" what!,I can't sleep lately, and I need new inspiration for my next album, it's a win- win situation" she shrugged, she already had her eyes set on that nobleman from yesterday, clodous or if that truly is his name

" but wouldn't you want it to special and from someone you love" naj says trying to convince, while began to continue to walk following the blonde dancer

" I won't remember it in twenty years and I don't fall in love, it's a lie I say to make others feel better about themselves" Diana rolled her eyes, lately insomnia has been kicking Diana's ass, she tried everything to fall asleep, she exercised, drank tea that helps you fall asleep and read boring books, but nothing worked, sleeping with anyone could be the answer to her problem

Diana has lived twenty different lives all different from one another living as a woman or a man, experiencing new emotions and societies, lost and loved many people, gain nothing other than pain, It's overwhelming and dreadful, and she wishes to waste those hours doing anything than to be left with her thoughts, her cold and dark thoughts that struck her into madness if she ever lets them

Her mind is a cold dark place she wishes never to cross

And if Diana doesn't sleep, she will think and if she thinks

Well may the gods have mercy

" I'm probably not even going to do anything, in the end" Diana sighed before taking the last bite of her sandwich. they finally reached to their inn but when they saw a carriage in front with two guards blocking the door and Curtis speaking to them seemingly panicking. The guards wore wealthy uniforms only someone that worked for the imperial family would wear, even the carriage was fancy. Curtis turned towards them and eyes further widen as if it will pop out

"Diana!, these imperial guards are here for you, what the hell did you do!" Curtis yelled at her, Diana eyes widened surprised by his words, she didn't do anything illegal that she know of, the only thing she did was eat, dance, sing, flirt with clodous, and talk shit-

" oh shit!" Diana cursed, don't tell her that the emperor heard her words about him or that her speculations were correct

" are you lady Diana?" One of the guards asked her

" I'm not speaking until I have lawyer!"

" is everything alright sir, we are only visitors" naj stood in front of Diana as protection

" it is nothing serious my lady you are not under arrest, but your presence is required at the imperial palace" the guard assured them, Curtis sighed relief while Diana was still confused and suspicious, there's no way in hell she was invited to the palace for no reasons

" why though if it isn't an arrest, why is my presence needed?"

" it will be explained my lady, we are here from orders of his majesty" the guard answered, Diana sighed annoyed

" fine, give me a moment" she walked back to the inn were she was bombarded with many questions, Diana ignored them all and decided change her dress since the one she wore began to smell from the stench of obelia, Diana always carried many dresses since she never knows where life would take her and wants to always be prepared, she wore her simple but beautiful chiton pink dress along her pink himation, and simple sandals. she didn't touch her hair since she didn't have the time, she put on extra perfume, after she finished she looked over to see her crew who huddle at her door  still staring at her in disbelief

" they told me I have nothing worry about, I'll be back but if I'm not find a way to tell the prince, the emperor has no reasons to put in captivity, also take care of moona while I'm gone, don't let her leave outside" she told the crew, she glanced over at moona who was napping and planted a kiss on her head, she brought her cat with her since Agatha wouldn't after she was bitten and scratch the last time she took care of moona

The regretful father's only wishWhere stories live. Discover now