Chapter 13: Albus

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It was November and I couldn't wait any longer. I went at Minerva's place and knocked on the door. She opened and smiled when she saw that it was me.

"Hey!" she said.

"I wasn't expecting you! Come in!"

I entered her small apartment.

"Do you want some tea?" she asked.

"Yes, please."

She went in the kitchen and I waved my wand a few times. Candles appeared around the room. The lights dimmed. I checked my pocket to make sure that the little box was still there. Behind me, words had appeared.

She came back with the tea and couldn't see anything from where she came. But when she turned around, I got on one knee. "Minerva McGonagall. I've loved you since day 1. I wasn't the best of friends, that much I know. But I hope and would like to be a better person. Someone whom you trust. I could die for you. I love you so much. I want to have kids with you. But first, I'd like to be able to call you my wife. So Minerva Isobel McGonagall, will you marry me?" I opened the box as tears welled up in her eyes. I knew for a fact that she never cried.

She nodded. "Yes. Of course I will, Albus!" with that, she fell in my arms, hugging me. "I love you so much," she muttered.

I smiled and slid the ring on her finger.


The wedding would be during the summer holidays, around the end of July.

We talked about who would be invited. Ari and Abe were for sure invited, as were Robert and Malcolm.

Minerva didn't talk about her mother, but I supposed that she was invited too. I decided to ask just in case.

"Is your mother going to be there?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm thinking about it."

"You're thinking about inviting your mother?!"

"Yes. She doesn't get along with any of us anymore. Her fault, not ours. She's the one who sent us back to Hogwarts right after our father's funeral. She's the one who told my brothers that if they ever came back, she'd make them regret it. So— yeah, I'm seriously hesitating."

"You didn't tell me."

"I know. Sorry. It's just that— she's not like she used be. She used to care. But now I know that everything was just to keep my father. She didn't want him to leave. So now... I don't know..."

"Okay. Well— my mother's invited, I think."

"You think?"

"Yeah. If you're okay with it."

"Albus. She's your mother !"

"Right. Now— friends. Who?"

"Elphias, Poppy, Pomona, Filius, Rolanda."

"Okay. I have one or two friends from my trip that I might invite. I see them from time to time."

"Sounds great."

"Do you have any cousins or family friends you'd like to invite?" I asked.

"No. You?"

"Maybe our neighbour, Bathilda Bagshot."

"Your friend Gellert's aunt?"



"I think that's all. Or you have other people in mind?"

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