Chapter 4: Minerva

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My little brother, Robert, was going to Hogwarts, too. He was very excited and so was I: mom had signed my authorization to go to Hogsmeade. 

I was sitting with Rob', when my friends, Poppy, Rolanda, Pomona and Filius came in. 

"Hey guys!" I said. "Meet my brother, Robert. Rob', my friends, Poppy, Rolanda, Pomona and Filius."

"Hi," said Robert.

"Hey, Robert!" said the others with huge smiles. They all sat down and we talked. 

I had forgotten about Albus and his girlfriend until we sat down in the Great Hall and they sat next to us, whispering sweet words to each other. 

Robert was sent to Gryffindor and we all welcomed him warmly. Albus was Prefect, of course. I hated him. A lot. I hated his girlfriend. I hated Poppy and Elphias because of their relationship. I hated everyone. So I started to work even more, doing my homework as soon as possible, working hard to get the best grades, probably more than necessary because I always had top marks in everything. Robert had some friends. They were kind. I liked them. 

During the first Hogsmeade weekend, I went with Rolanda, Pomona and Filius, as Poppy was going with Elphias and Albus with his girlfriend. I promised Robert I'd bring him some sweets back and he thanked me with a hug. 

"Minerva, between which houses did the Hat hesitated?" asked Pomona while we were walking. 

"Gryffindor and Ravenclaw," I said. 

"Really?! Same thing!" said Filius. 

"I like coincidences!" said Pomona. 

"So— Ready for the Quidditch game Saturday, Minerva?" asked Rolanda.

"Yes. We're gonna beat Slytherin!" I said, laughing. 

Ro always commentated Quidditch matches. She loved it. 

I hoped that Robert would make the Quidditch team, too. 

We stopped at the Three Broomsticks to drink some Butterbeer. Unfortunately, Albus and his girlfriend were there, too. I really hated her. She was an idiot. 


Just like the other years, this one went by fast and before I knew it, it was over. I had top marks in my exams once again and Albus had top marks in his O.W.L.s too. As for his girlfriend, she was too preoccupied snogging him to realize that she had exams and had bad results so she had to pass her Fifth Year again, but he didn't seem to mind. 


Another year had ended, one without one of my best friends in it. I was missing the Library moments I had with Albus last year, but he didn't seem to miss them, so I told myself that maybe our friendship wasn't very important to him. 


During the summer, all I did was read, work, and spend some times with my brothers and parents. I tried not to think about him with her.

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