It was a time when the future remained uncertain, but the runners stood as a symbol of defiance against the odds presented by their menacing surroundings.

That's why she feels the instinctive need to get back out there. It's become a part of her; that hope that gets her up in the morning. The hope of discovery. Of progress. Of the survival of her friends.

The responsibilities she'd grown so accustomed to had become a part of her identity, and now, they were no longer hers to carry.


The rain continues to fall. After her conversation with Clint, Rue leaves the Med Hut, feeling both dejected and restless. It's a challenging feeling, knowing that her place as a runner is currently on hold.

Still, her day isn't about to be wasted on despondency. As she heads toward the heart of the Glade, she takes a deep breath, allowing the petrichor to fill her senses. She can't change the circumstances, but she can choose how to make the most of the day.

So, she decides to help out in the Gardens, lending her assistance to those who are tending to the plants.

It's a different kind of work, yet it offers its own form of satisfaction. The smell of wet earth and growing plants fills the air, grounding her in the present moment. She finds herself enjoying the sense of serenity that comes from nurturing life, even in the pouring rain.

In the evening, as the rain outside shows no sign of relenting, Rue joins Newt and Minho for dinner. They sit together at a wooden table, their metal plates filled with the simple yet nourishing meal that has become a staple in their daily lives. Conversation flows easily among them, the sense of connection evident in their relaxed interactions.

Newt takes a thoughtful sip of water, his gaze resting on his plate for a moment before he decides to share the news he received earlier in the day. "Alby approached me the other day," he begins, a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

Minho looks up from his meal, his curiosity piqued. "What did he want?"

Rue, too, turns her attention to Newt, her brows furrowing with intrigue. She's known Newt for a long time, and it's clear to her that something is weighing on his mind. "Is it about that chat?" she recalls the detail that slipped her mind as soon as it arrived, up until now.

"Mh-hm..." Newt exhales and meets their gazes. "He offered me the position of Second-in-Command," he reveals.

Rue and Minho exchange surprised glances. It's no secret that Newt has been one of Alby's closest advisors and most trusted confidants. The role of Second-in-Command is one of great responsibility, and it comes with immense trust from Alby and the rest of the Gladers.

"But," Newt continues, his voice holding a tinge of hesitation, "I turned him down."

Minho's fork hovers mid-air, his expression mirroring the surprise shared by the girl. "You turned him down?"

Newt's gaze drifts back to his plate, his fingers tracing the rim of his empty cup. "I still believe I can get back into running," he admits, his voice carrying a hint of longing. "I can't help but think about how we used to be, you know?"

Rue gets him. The maze has been an integral part of their lives, and the bond between them runs deep.

Minho, though, looks concerned. "Yeah...?"

Newt meets his gaze, his voice carrying more adamant decisiveness now. He'd sensed the doubt in Minho's voice. "I don't want to put my shoes on the shelf just because of one wrong decision."

Rue bites her lip, scraping the bottom of her plate with no particular motive. Her mind drifts back to the thoughts that have wandered her mind lately. The doubt about how much healing a makeshift cast can do, without any proper operations and such.

Their med-jacks are skilled, but they're not doctors.

"What if... what if your leg doesn't heal all the way?" she says carefully, not looking either of them in the eyes, really afraid of their reactions.

A hushed tension lingers in the room as her question hangs in the air like a heavy cloud. The dimly lit space seems to close in on them as the steady rain outside continues its rhythmic dance on the windows.

The boys exchange a tense glance, unspoken concern passing between them. It's a question that both have likely contemplated but hesitated to voice. The possibility of Newt's leg not healing fully is a grim specter, challenging their optimism.

The blond finally breaks the silence. "Then I'll have to make do with whatever I've got left," he states, the tone of his words leaving no room for argument.

She watches his unfamiliar, harsh expression with a heavy heart, her concern for his well-being etched across her features. As the seconds tick by, she musters the courage to offer her perspective. 

"Newt, I... I'm not saying you should give up on running, but maybe..." she hesitates, choosing her words carefully. "Maybe you could consider Alby's offer?"

Newt's shoulders tense, and for a moment, the room seems to grow smaller. It's as if the walls are closing in on him, and the decision he's facing becomes an unbearable weight on his shoulders. 

He continues to fiddle with the rim of his empty cup, fingers tracing the circular pattern as he contemplates Rue's suggestion.

Minho's gaze is fixed on Newt, his brows slightly furrowed, waiting for his response. He knows how much running means to him, but he also understands the importance of considering alternative options, especially if the risk of permanent injury is a real concern.

After what feels like an eternity, Newt finally lifts his head, his eyes meeting Minho's before shifting to Rue. His gaze holds purpose, as well as a trace of vulnerability. "I suppose I could reconsider it."

A ripple of relief passes through her as she hears his response. She offers him a reassuring smile, the tension in the room slowly dissipating. "You don't have to make a decision now, but, I mean... it's good to keep your options open."

Minho nods at that, turning back to his dinner. "Remember, we're here for you, Bud, no matter what you decide. Runner or Second-in-Command, you've got the skills for either."

Rue's expression lifts, and she points her spoon in their direction. "And hey, then you'll be promoted to the sweet relief of the Homestead too. The Keeper and The Second-in-Command." She'd do about anything for her own room in the upstairs of the Homestead. Still, her voice is laced with humor as she adds, "Gotta step up my game."

Newt smiles faintly at that, the weight of the conversation gradually lifting from his shoulders. He takes a bite of his meal, grateful for the unwavering support of his friends.

The rest of the evening meal continues with a lighter atmosphere, their shared laughter mingling with the lively chatter around them. Together, they find comfort in the understanding that, in the ever-uncertain world of the Glade, they can rely on each other.

Forever and ever.

From now, until the end of their time.

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