2: "Great..."

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                     ||[FIRST PERSON]||
                         ||[Y/N'S POV]||
                   ||[SLUR WARNING]||


I was told this morning that I was going to start school next week on Monday. But, I really don't know how that's going to go.

I just opened my last box of stuff, so I'm sorting through it to find anything I might need for school.

Once I had found my F/C backpack and my pencil case, I started to pack the pencil case with the stuff I think I'm going to need. I had made a list this morning when my mum told me I was starting in a week.

The list was:
1. Pencils and pens
2. Colored pencils
3. Paper
4. Tape and glue
5. Ruler
6. Calculator and protractor
7. Binders and doutangs
8. Highlighters and markers
9. Headphones or earbuds

It took me a while to find my highlighters, but I found them eventually and put them in my backpack.


I don't have anything to do really until Friday, so I've decided to set up and decorate my new room. I already took all of my stuff out of the boxes, but it's just all over my floor.

I mean, it took a while, but I got it done. My desk has all my stuff that I would need for doing homework on it. My walls are covered in posters, bulletin boards, and framed pictures. The bulletin boards have a bunch of random photos on them, and some pins and buttons, along with one being empty, so I can put all my class notes on it.


I didn't think I had anything to do today, but it turns out I have to watch Ava for the day since our parents start work today.

Ava wanted to go watch a movie in theaters, but I don't have the money for that, so we decided to go to the park instead.

When we got there, Ava immediately ran over to some kids, who I later realized were Evan and Elizabeth.

Now, I'm sitting on a bench while Ava plays a random game with Evan and Elizabeth. I decided not long ago that I was just going to read a book and wait for Ava to tell me she wants to go home.

I'm not sure why I even have to watch Ava for the day. She's 12 years old, and she can take care of herself. I don't know why I even agreed to this, I should have just said no.

"Y/N, can we go home now?" Ava said out of nowhere.

"Sure." I said, then stood up.

We walked home, and she went on and on about the game she played with Evan and Elizabeth. I wasn't really paying attention, but I nodded and said the occasional thing.

When we got home, I ordered a pizza.

Ava and I were sitting on the couch waiting for the pizza I was reading again, and she was watching TV. Then the doorbell rang.

"Y/N, go answer the door." Ava said from her spot on the couch.

"No, you go answer the door." I said back.

"No! You're the older one! You go answer it!" Ava is so set on making me answer the door.

I sighed, frustrated, but went to open the door. I got to the door and opened it.

"What do I owe-" I paused when I saw who was at the door. "Michael?"

Michael looked up from the box of pizza in his hands and stared at me in disbelief.

"Asshole..."        [Michael Afton x M! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now