S2 Ep.11: Shining Elementals! The Dragons Return!!

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The battle between Free and Phoebe was now starting as Wakiya stepped up to the stadium to be referee

Phoebe: Fafnir is a Left rotating bey that absorbs the power from its opponent, if there is a chance he uses that technique, i know what to do.

Free: Flame Pandora.. a Right Rotating Balance Type, also the bey of the Fire Element.. just what kind of bey is it, really?
Bell: Free seems more concentrated than usual..

Bailey: It seems.. eerie.

Valt: It's been some time any of us have seen or heard from Free, there is no telling how much stronger he's become.

Quinn: If that's true then..

Michael: Even with the Ultimate Elemental Power, there's a good chance Free will be stronger..
Free: Ive seen your battles, you're quite the strong blader.

Phoebe: Same goes for you, ive been wanting to battle against you for some time now

Free: I could say the same, you piqued my interest when you used Pandemonium.. im curious to know how strong you are now with that Pandora.

Phoebe: Disappointed?

Free: Hardly, in fact im hoping we can both have an enjoyable battle.

Phoebe: Well if it's a battle you want then it's a battle you'll get.

Wakiya: 1st Battle!!

The 2 bladers took their positions and the battle began

Wakiya: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

The beys were off and a bright yellow glow was cast over Vanish Fafnir as it took the center

Free: Huh, it's glowing..

Phoebe: Get em Pandora! Flame Shoot!!

Flame Pandora began to attack Fafnir with a barrage of attacks but Fafnir was holding its ground.

Phoebe: Fafnir has the ability to drain the opponents power.. i have to end this before it becomes a battle of stamina!

Free: That won't work..

Phoebe: Go! Lightning!!

Bolts of lightning surged off of Flame Pandora and it charged in for the strike and landed a fierce strike, knocking Fafnir back

Phoebe: How's that?!

Free smiled, his black pupils taking on a bright yellow glow

Free: Not too bad, but i've seen better.. Go, Fafnir!

Fafnir managed to recover using the plate on the Kick Driver and it was now on the offensive

Phoebe: If i can make Fafnir waste all its stamina... i can use that moment to send it flying.

Free: It won't work.

Phoebe looked at Free in horror, it was almost as if he was reading her mind

Phoebe: H-How did he..!?
Bell: She's hesitating out there! What is she doing!?

Michael: I'm not sure.. ive never seen her this worked up before..

Valt: Free is reading her every move.

Quinn: What?!

Bailey: How can that be!?

Bell: Free is anticipating Phoebe to use Elemental Break, but a move like that isnt going to work, Free will just absorb her power!
Free: I see how you fight, using the Elementals to your advantage is a well played move, but it wont work on Fafnir.

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