S2 Ep.9: Demon King Bell VS Elemental Phoebe!!

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I feel the need to clarify since i have a feeling it will get asked at some point but the stadium throughout the season will remain the Aurora Ignite Stadium (Aether Stadium), also for the sake of it not being a mouthful, it will be referred to as the Aether Stadium from this point forward

Enjoy! :)
Bell and Phoebe had gotten set up at the Aether Stadium and they held up their beys

Bell: The time has finally come for us to battle once again!

Phoebe: Indeed it has, i hope you're prepared to lose!

Bell: Lose?! The only thing i prepare for is to win!!

Phoebe: Then i suppose i'll prepare to win as well!

Bell: Hey! You can't just take my line!!
Aiga: It's been a while since i last saw these two battle, this'll be fun!

Valt: Yeah! This will be a battle to remember!

Quinn: Just what is the history between these two?

Valt: They're some of the hottest rivals in the blading scene, they'll soon show you why!

Bailey: Really?

Ranzo looked over silently and looked back down at the stadium, it began to make him wonder about his rivalry with the Demon King
Lyra stared down at his data and looked towards the stadium with a fierce smile

Lyra: Alright you two, let's see how much Elemental Power you can draw out..
Drone: 1st Battle!!!

The bladers took their positions and the battle began at last

Drone: Ready Set!!!

3 2 1 GO SHOOT!!!

The beys were off and Flame Pandora was heading for center stage as Divine Belial charged around at high speed

Bell: Go now! Divine Shoot!!!

Phoebe: Attack! Lightning, Go!!

Belial and Pandora clashed with all their might and were knocked back

Bell: It's Elemental Power got a lot stronger..

Phoebe: Now send it flying!

Pandora swung back around and knocked Belial into the wall and it landed on the upper deck

Bell: It'll take more than that to beat Belial, come at me!

Pandora had taken center stage as Belial dropped back down and was coming its way

Phoebe: Now Wind!

Belial slams into Pandora as its Wind Elemental protected against its attacks

Phoebe: You wont break past Flame Pandora that easily!

Bell: In that case i'll just have to force my way through then!

Belial and Pandora were knocked away once again
Aiga: They seem to be evenly matched out there!

Valt: It seems that way, their Elemental Powers seem to be even!

Michael: This is the power of when 2 destined rivals Elemental Powers collide..
Lyra looked at his data, Belial and Pandora's Elemental Power werent even at their highest level

Lyra: Come on.. show me even more..!
Phoebe: Let's go! Flame Shoot!!

Bell: Again! Divine Shoot!!

Belial and Pandora slam into each other in the center with all their might

Phoebe: Now burn them away!

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