S2 Ep.7: Thunder and Lightning! Fierce Bazilisk!!

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Note: Bazilisk is a TT Bey in the story, Hasbro ver. is used as a reference to what couldve been. Enjoy.
Bell stared behind him at Belial as the battle between him and Bailey had ended

Bell: That power.. it's unreal..!!

Bailey picked up her bey and she gave a smile, her aura slowly fading away

Bailey: That was amazing.. Blading really is so much fun!

Ranzo and the others were in shock at what they had just witnessed

Ranzo: Oh man, that's power alright!

Michael: The data confirms it, Bazilisk just unleashed a burst of Lightning Elemental!

Phoebe was jawdropped as she held her Pandora in her hand nervously

Quinn: So Bazilisk is able to harness Elemental Power in a way similar to Pandora.. interesting indeed.

Bell reached down and picked up his bey and turned back towards Bailey

Bailey: Did you like it? Did you enjoy the power of Fierce Bazilisk!

Bell: Tch..! One more time, i demand a rematch!!

Bailey: Sorry, but if we continued battling, the result would always be the same, no hard feelings Demon King!

Bell: Grr, come on! Battle me again, i was only preparing to win!

A loud rumble filled the room and of course, it came from Bell's stomach, soon everyones stomach began to rumble

Jiji entered the room with a soft laugh

Jiji: Guess that's my cue to get started on lunch!

Ranzo: Yeah, i could go for a bite to eat right about now.

Phoebe: You said it!

Quinn: Bailey, we'll continue this after we eat lunch.

Bailey: Alright fine..

Everyone headed to the dining room and Quinn noticed Lyra standing at the doorway

Quinn: Lyra.. what are you doing here?

Lyra looked at her with a slight look of disappointment, he decided he would be the first one to know of his plans

Lyra: I watched your battle against Bell.. i must say i am disappointed.

Quinn: Disappointed? What do you mean?

Lyra: Aeclipse shouldnt have lost that battle.. you lost because you became overconfident..

Quinn: Lyra..

Lyra: If that's all the Cosmic Elemental Power you can muster up, then im done with you.

Quinn: W-What!?

Lyra turned his back to Quinn and frowned

Lyra: It was never my intention to keep you and Bailey around forever, but i didnt think you would fail me so easily

Quinn was shocked, she couldnt believe what she was hearing

Quinn: After all we been through, you're just going to toss me and her aside!?

Lyra: Correct.

A faint black and purple aura began to glow around him like a haze and Quinn was immediately starting to get worried

Lyra: A new age of Beyblade is coming, it's a shame that you soon wont be around to see it..

Quinn: L-Lyra.. what do you mean..?

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