Run Your Race

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          "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31, KJV

          When I was living in insecurity, I always asked myself why my life was not getting any better compare to those who don't walk with God. Have you ever asked that question also to yourself?
          Well, it is normal to ask that question, but it is not helpful if we dwell on it. Comparing ourselves to others is a blind spot in looking into God's love and purpose in our lives. Your weakness may be a strength for others. Your strength may be a weakness to others. God knows your inmost being than anyone else you have known. The enemy wants us to compare ourselves to others to distract us in the direction God wants us to take. Comparison is to steal our joy and peace. The enemy comes to steal, to kill, and destroy us, but Jesus came to give us life abundantly (John 10:10). Satan wishes for our downfall to disbelieve the nature of God.
           When we settle into our insecurity and focus on our weaknesses, it will lead us to our doubts about God's ability to do the impossible. After giving birth to my son, I felt horrible physically for gaining so much weight. And I compared myself to the other woman; the way she dressed up, the way she made friends with others compare to an introvert person like me. I was wrestling to feel good and look better, but the comparison dragged me to the pit of insecurity and self-pity. Consequently, not happy and had no peace. I was angry, but eventually not with God.
The journey was arduous, yet my heart did not stop seeking God's presence. No matter how hard it was for me, I did everything I could to spend my quiet time with the Lord, even through my journaling. And God pursued me. My race was exhausting, but every morning, God renewed my strength for me to run my race enthusiastically.

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31, KJV

This book in Isaiah forty was written to the nation of Israel who were facing difficult times. They were in their seasons of hardships within their nation, and their hope was deflating. They felt God had left them, just as we feel when we face a rock bottom moment in our lives. But there is always someone God can use to encourage us, and in this chapter, it was Isaiah.
We may face difficulties in our journey, but run the race with perseverance of waiting upon the Lord (Hebrews 12:1). And that we must place our complete trust and hope in Him alone. The process might be a struggle, but God will sustain us through it. He will bring His people through the storms, even if we feel like we're swamped by it. We can run our race with renewed strength and soar like an eagle. But we have our chunk to give, and that is to seek God intentionally by praying and reading the Bible. Give your complete trust (Proverbs 3:5-6) no matter how hard it is to do. We may wander around during the process, but when you pray, you will never go wrong. Run your race with God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for loving me, even during my bitterness and resentment in the process of my transformation. Thank you for not letting me go when I am about to give up. Help me remember that with You, I have the strength to run the race and soar like an eagle. Help me hold on to Your promises and place my trust and hope in you. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

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