But - the girl sitting next to me was completely different.

Among the confusion, she had a completely expressionless look.

When I stared at her unintentionally because of her strangeness, our eyes met for just a moment. I could tell that we shared the same thoughts. Neither of us considered giving up our seats for the old woman.

As I continued looking around, I saw that there was a blonde-haired girl with the school uniform as well, who was sleeping through this commotion. She was even drooling.

As I was looking at her, she started squirming because of the volume of the argument.

"Wah...! You're a high school student!? Honestly, just listen to what adults say!"

"It's fine, It's fine..."

"Apparently the older woman seems to have better hearing than you do. Oh dear, I guess the Japanese society isn't completely useless yet. Enjoy the rest of your life to your heart's content."

After showing a uselessly refreshing smile, he put headphones in his ears and began to listen to loud music. The office lady who spoke up was clenching her teeth in annoyance.

His self-important attitude annoyed her as she tried to argue with him.

A little incident happened on the bus. I was relieved that I wasn't involved in the situation. I don't care for things like giving up my seat to the elderly or stubbornly refusing to move from my seat.

The disturbance ended with the boy who won with his big ego. At least, everyone thought it was over.

Then I saw a blonde short-haired girl about to come forth, but before she could, there was another voice who said something.

"Excuse me, grandmother! You can take my seat."

As I turned toward the voice, I saw that it was the blonde-haired girl who was sleeping earlier. I guess she woke up because of the noise.

As she stood up from her seat, she started rubbing her neck sheepishly.

"Sorry, I was sleeping or I would have given up my seat earlier."

After she said this, she put out her tongue which made her look cute and charming.

"It's fine, and thank you so much!"

It seemed the office lady was near tears after this development.

The old woman sat on the seat that the girl was sitting in earlier.

"Thank you, young lady. God bless you."

"Thank you!"

Now that I look at her carefully, she was a very attractive girl. She had blonde-colored hair that turned pink at the ends and curled when they reached her back. She had pink eyes that sparkled and a demeanor that made her appear casual, which in turn made her easy to approach. She also wore a choker around her neck and had several piercings on her ears.

Then the blonde short-haired girl, that was supposedly also going to help the old lady get a seat, went to the girl and started talking to her.

"Thank you for giving up your seat for the old lady."

"It's fine! By the way, from your uniform it seems like we're going to the same school. I'm Kaneko Sumire. I'm in class D. What about you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't mind! I'm Kushida Kikyo. I am also in class D! I can't believe that we are actually in the same class! Can we be friends?"

"Heehh!? You're in class D too? Nice! My first friend in this school!"

As she said this, she bumped her hip to Kushida's.

At this, Kushida started laughing and also bumped her hip to Kaneko's.

What? They already became friends? Is making friends this easy? And what was that hip bump? Is it necessary to do that to show that you have now officially become friends with somebody? What would happen if I went to class and started hip bumping everybody? I have a feeling that I will be labelled as a creep by both girls and guys.

Maybe the hip bumping only applies to girls with other girls.

There was another thing. They both were in my class as I was also a student of class D. It seemed like these three years in my high school life were going to be interesting to say the least.

As the two girls continued to talk about trivial things, I lost interest in their conversation. I folded my arms and closed my eyes.

The bus soon arrived at the destination, and stopped at the school.

As I got off the bus, there was a gate of natural stone waiting for me.

All the boys and girls in uniform got off the bus and passed through the gate.

Koudo Ikusei High School.

A school created by the Japanese goverment that aims to nurture young people to support the future.

It is a place that I will attend starting today.

Stop. Take a deep breath.

Ok, let's go!

"Wait a second."

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