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March 30rd, 2023:

Don't send enormous, CRINGE texts asking how they feel about you. That shit's gonna keep you awake forever.

I'm sorry for the whiplash, but:

I think she actually likes me.

I know, I know. I left on a very bad note last time I wrote but guess I was wrong.

I'm still trying to process the past few days cause I don't wanna read too much like the last time, but here's what happened in a very summed up way:

I was so upset that she was acting cold the next morning that my replies were just as dry. I couldn't muster the same energy in my texts, and maybe she noticed that, cause, at some point, she started to switch back to the girl who thought it was a good idea to go on a date with me.

Even tho it felt as if I was being played, I still liked that she was giving me attention. Her sweet messages and little flirts here and there were addictive. I was in paradise until the fear she didn't like me back got the best of me and I kinda flipped.


Do you happen to know a hole I can crawl into, just in case I embarrass myself again?

You see, I'm an overthinker.

I'm intense and an overthinker.

If I like someone, I'm gonna like them to the fullest and if I sense the person doesn't have the same feelings or is holding back for some unknown reason, I won't rest until I know we're on the same page.

That's why I sent an enormous text explaining how I felt and asking where she stands, cause that palpable distance was doing horrors to my mind and heart. Yeah. An enormous, unnecessary, so freaking cringe text.

But at least it sent the right message since she told me exactly what I asked to hear.

Actually, she told me way more than I was expecting to hear.

I know everyone has a past, but guess it just hits you harder when you're so involved with the person telling the story.

And boy, I was seeing red the whole time.

The way her ex made her feel... The way she had to bring up her walls after what happened cause she was too afraid to get her heart broken again at such a young age, and how now it's hard to let someone else in because of that- ugh, lagartixa egoísta sem rabo- I swear...

She says they ended things on good terms, but I'd probably punch that girl's face if she ever come near us.

And before you come at me, I'm a Scorpio. Don't even dare hit me with "violence isn't the way" or "girls should be friends, not enemies" bullshit. It works for some cases, but I'm not befriending or defending or any "ending" the girl who hurt my precious little bean.

I wanna hunt her down!

The only thing stopping me from doing so is the little bean herself.

Ugh, so frustrating!

But I need to end this before I start digressing again about ways I can be petty without ending up in jail, so to sum up everything: I embarrassed myself with that text (it's that bad, trust me), she was completely honest with me, promised to give us a try, and now I'm livid with her ex but happier than I've ever been in my life. Including when I buy chocolate for my hidden stock.

But how am I supposed to act from now on? Are we a thing? Can I change my relationship status on Facebook? Can I plan our wedding or should I wait one more week? Can I punch her ex?

Song of the day:


Now Playing [ Can't Help Falling in Love ] 0:26 ---♡--- 3:02
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