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Lee Carlton

“Enzo let’s go!” I called my little brother. We are currently at school. I’m in a hurry to go back home because mom and dad had something to tell us. Lorenzo came in the car grinning like a cat.

“Why are you smiling like that?” I asked him

“I asked Hannah to be my girlfriend.” He said

“Finally” I said slapping his shoulder

“Hey Lee” he called

“Yea” I answered as I started driving off.

“What do you think mom and dad want to talk to us about?” He questioned

“I don’t know” I told him

My seventeenth birthday is next week, I’ve noticed how mom and dad, mostly mom, is behaving suspiciously when they are around me.

When I was fifteen I found a photo of a man in my mom’s drawer. At the back of the photo it reads ‘Jacob Carlton’
I always wondered why my last name is different from Lorenzo and Fabio, my youngest brother. Their last name is Aloisio while mine is Carlton just like that man. My cousin Isabella and my uncle Michael even have the same name as me. This leads me to question if this man is my father.

When we arrived at home, we got out of the car and went inside the house. We were greeted by mom and dad who seemed to be in a heated conversation.

“I still don’t like this Mia.” Dad agreed

“I can’t keep it in anymore Leonardo. I’m going to tell them whether you’re with me or not.” Mom frustrates

“Hey guys” Enzo and I greeted

Mom looked at us then looked at dad with pleading eyes. Dad sigh.

“Kids let’s go to the living room” he said

“Enzo frowned “We’re not kids anymore.” He grumbled

We all sat on a couch “Your mom and I have something to tell both of you. It doesn’t change my love for you guys.” Dad told

“Okay” I dragged

“Leonardo is not your biological father.” Blurted mom, then she covered her mouth.

“Mia.” Dad scowled

“Sorry” she apologized

Mom and dad then explained everything to us. From mom running away from her parents, to her being abused and her running away again. The second time she ran away she ended up at dad’s (Leonardo) door. Lastly she told us about how our biological father kidnapped us and was killed. I still love Leonardo though.

“Can we see what he looked like?” Enzo asked

A look of guilt appeared on mom’s face “I had a photo, but I lost it.” She admitted. I took out my wallet and took out the photo that I found “Here” I said.

Mom looked at the photo in shock. “I took it from your drawer” I answered her silent question.

Lorenzo took a good look at the photo and frowned “What?” mom asked

“I thought you said he was dead.” Enzo said looking confused

“He is” dad told

“I saw this man at the park yesterday.” Argued Enzo.

“That’s impossible” mom said shaking her head in disbelief

“No mom it’s not. Come to think of it he gave me a message ‘tell Mia I said hi and tell Leonardo I said bye’.” There was a deafening silence.


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