"War!? Why would we go to war?!"

Start bij het begin

Sighing as frustration hit him, Aldertree notices as other vampires are now paying attention due to Sebastian's outbursts. "Please calm down Sebastian. This is the normal process, and stop shouting! We don't want to cause a panic, okay? So either you can come into my house and we can discuss this or you can keep this information to yourself and we can both prey that this information won't affect us as you believe it will."

Sebastian looks around, annoyed, as he now realises that if he continues this argument with Aldertree in the open then he will and up in a bag as punishment for causing unnecessary panic so he decides to take his plans else where and goes to target some else.

Sebastian walks away as Aldertree sighs in disappointment and he closes the door knowing how stubborn Sebastian has become.

Failure, after failure, Sebastian walks away the last councilwoman's house close to tears out of frustration, now understanding that his revenge isn't happening anytime soon, that Nathanial's justice won't come anytime soon. Sebastian heads towards his own house, which is planted off to the side away from all others in the Kingdom, to start creating plans to get his revenge because no matter what, "I will get justice for you Nathanial..." Sebastian whispers as he walks through his front door, which will stay closed for the next 5 years.


Stones, slabs and sheets of metal are scattered everywhere throughout the building with notes carved and scrapped on them, diagrams are drawn and notes are scratched out. Blood drained fish are floating around the room along with craps of rubbish, sitting amongst all of this chaos is Sebastian. Sebastian's hair floats all around him in a mess, a scruffy beard on his face and his clothes are scruffy and unkept like the rest of him.

"I've got it!" Smiling and sighing in relief, Sebastian gathers all of his final notes and plans that he has made and looks over everything and double checks he has everything planned. Looking over at the picture to his left, Sebastian sees a photo of his Nathanial, and feels relief and hope of finally getting to the justice of his death. "Soon, Angel. Hopefully, this will also end with us together, with those arseholes punished."

Putting his final notes together of to the side, Sebastian gets to gathering the rubbish and scrap and gets rid of it by crushing it all into one big ball of metal and stone. Tidying himself up, Sebastian gets ready to put his plans into action with a grin splitting his face open from ear to ear as his eyes glow into the dark sea. "Time to pick my targets."


Sitting in the corner of the pub that Sebastian had found years ago, he keeps an eye out for his first victim, a young man as he gets accepted into a pirates group. Sebastian has researched his victim:

Name: Casey Turner
Age: 16
Mother: Racheal Turner (critically ill with dementia)
Father: Axel Turner (Dead)
Reasons for joining: His father died in a fishing accident when Casey was 7 years old and his mother had already been diagnosed with dementia. Casey took upon himself to look after his mother even though the bills were pilling up and he was so young, so he became interested in making money and making it fast. Pirating had come up in conversations as Casey looked around for options to making money and he has finally decided in becoming a pirate to pay for the medical bills.

Casey stood there, smile on his face, as the Captain infront of him nods his head and offers Casey his hand to shake as they agreed with Casey's offer of becoming apart of the crew. Sebastian watches as the Captain and his crew leaves with young Casey to their ship and follows them, keeping out of site.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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