"War!? Why would we go to war?!"

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Being a vampire didn't always have the perks that they have now, vampire used to be hunted down, killed and criticised just for being vampires, and being friendly, animal drinker, or a dedicated citizen didn't matter to anyone.

This happened for centuries until one vampire who went infront of the others and offered an idea for all, because vampires didn't need air, they could build their kingdom underwater while making laws among themselves to only come to land in low numbers and to not draw attention to the existence of vampires.

Eventually, everyone stopped believing in the existence of vampires, everyone except pirates and pirates never stopped hunting vampires, trying to get ahold of them at any cost, as they know that the vampires eyes are valuable and expensive.

Chapter II

Sebastian sinks to the bottom of the sea, looking ahead at the empty darkness knowing he's got a long walk ahead of him until he reaches the kingdom.


Hearing the slightest chatter as he moves forward towards the kingdom, seeing mountains of metal that has been bent into shapes that resemble a human city. The metal having brands and logos on them as they were from centuries of boats that have sunk to the bottom and left abandoned by the humans. The Vampires took advantage of the humans disgraceful littering and used any and all scraps they found, using their supernatural strength, to bend and reshape anything to everything they need.

Slowly walking through the houses, the rest of the vampires ignoring him and continuing on with their business, he makes his way to the bigger and better looking houses with bodies wrapped in bags with chains connecting them to the sea floor. These bodies were of vampires that are being punished for crimes, they will eventually be set free because the vampires would live long enough to outlive their sentence. The air that's trapped in the bags keeps them floating and the chains go through the bottom of the bag as well as the vampire's ankles to keep them where they are.

Coming across the first of the council man's house, Sebastian knocks on the door, taking in the great detail that the elder has taken to design his house in the centuries that they both have been underwater.

Sighing a man swings open the door showing that he is missing one eye, from a battle with a pirate, and many battle scars from the centuries when the vampires had to constantly battle to survive. "Ah, Sebastian! How are you doing, hmm? How's your adventures on the surface going?" The man, who is part of the original group of vampires that came done to the seas depths, smiles as he recognises his fellow vampire.

Keeping control of his emotions, Sebastian keeps a straight face as he gets to the point of his visit. "Councilman Aldertree, sorry to disturb your day. I'm here to get your permission to call an emergency meeting as I have made some worrying revelations and would like to bring them to attention to the council in hopes that the council will take action in protecting our Kingdom."

Frowning, Aldertree stands up from his leaning position on the door and gives Sebastian his full attention. "That sounds concerning. Come on in, I'll need you to tell me everything before calling a meeting out of the blue." Gesturing with his free hand towards the inside of his house and stepping aside, Aldertree waits for Sebastian to walk in for this discusion.

Sebastian shakes his head while taking a tiny step back, showing that he wasn't going to walk into the house despite the generous invitation, as it wasn't often that you got invited into another vampires house. "Are you saying you don't believe me? Aldertree, we have known each other for centuries, we are ALL in danger. You HAVE to call a meeting with the other councilors." Getting frustrated that Sebastian wasn't being believed, wanting to get things done quickly and to get his plans to move faster.

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