ch 1 - Past and Decision

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It has been an hour since I opened my eyes in this unfamiliar place. The condition of this room shows that it is an abandoned room. But still, this room is very clean with no dirt or dust. It seems that the original owner of this body was not a messy person. But this room is too shabby. There is only a single bed with no mattress only a torn blanket and a Forlorn pillow. There is no mirror where I can see my face.

Suddenly I heard a notification. I was started by the sound. Then I heard a robotic voice saying "A new host has been detected."

     < WELCOME to THE SYSTEM 2407>


After that, I felt my head was aching like hell and after some time I got all the memories of the previous owner.


Time skip...

The conclusion of these memories is that this is a nonsense fantasy novel and most importantly this is the second life of this body. Because in the first life, the double standard heroine made her a villainess. Because of that she died in misery.

This girl was truly the most pitiful character and also the rightful owner of the place where the double standard heroine is staying now. This girl's name is Isabel. She is a Duke's daughter but she was swapped after birth. On the other hand, the heroine was an illegitimate daughter between the Duchess's maid and the Duke's Playboy brother.

The maid was actually ambitious she thought she could be a part of the nobility by giving birth to a child of the Duke. But the Duke was a loyal man, he didn't give a shit about her. So she slept with Duke's brother because he was a Count. But after the maid got pregnant with the heroine Daisy that man gave her money and said not to look for him again because he was already a married man.

But then Julie finds out the Duchess was also pregnant with her third child which made her angry. So she started giving the Duchess some poisonous plants with tea so that she could give birth to a dead child. This way she can swap her child with the dead child. But the poison didn't kill the child but made her hideous. Yes, this body is very ugly.

The maid gave birth to Daisy one day before the Duchess. Nobody knows about that other than the maid Julie's mother. She was a greedy woman. Then when the Duchess gave birth to Isabel. They swap Isabel with Daisy. Julie's mother was a midwife. So other than Julie and her mother nobody knows that Daisy is not the duke's biological daughter

Julie's mother takes Isabel to a faraway place from the dukedom. They were confident that even if the duke found out that Daisy was not their child they would not accept a hideous child like Isabel. Daisy was pretty but not the most beautiful person. But she has the heroine's halo.

But when Daisy was ten years old the Duke and Duchess found out that Daisy was not their biological daughter through some report given by the temple. Actually, this world consists of magic. There is no science in this world.

Well, Daisy knew from childhood that she was not the real princess of the dukedom. But her mother who is now her nanny helped her to pretend like a perfect lady of the dukedom.

When they found Isabel the Dukes family and the whole dukedom were disappointed with how she looked and with her everything. Because the Duke, Duchess and their sons are one of the most beautiful people in the empire. So they thought how can their child be like this? Though Daisy was not their real daughter, they still gave her the place that should be Isabel's. Even the nobility made fun of her and treated her like a disgusting thing. On the other hand, treat Daisy like a germ.

Daisy took advantage of the situation and made her look like a villain in front of everyone. Then accused her of trying to push her from the balcony. Isabel told everyone that she hadn't done that but no one believed her and exiled her from the dukedom.

She was heartbroken that even her biological parents didn't love or believe her. They were disgusted by her existence. When she was tortured by Julie's mother Daisy was living like a princess. Then suddenly Daisy came to her while smirking and told her the reason for her misery and killed her by giving her the deadliest poison.

While Isabel died miserably, Daisy had her happy ending and got married to the crown prince of the empire.



This is so fucking messed up. Also, this novel has so many loopholes. Why didn't they punish the maid and her mother? And I must say Isabel's family is garbage.

But don't worry, Isabel, I will not let anyone live a peaceful life who made your life like this. I know how it feels when your parents don't acknowledge you. I will take revenge on them for you and live the happiest life.
"I promise."

Hope you like my new story...😊

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