V. jamie

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January 7th, 2022

Few of my classmates managed to convince me to go out with them and catch up after the winter break, and honestly, I surprised myself when I agreed. I never had actual friends from school, just can't click with anybody, and the group that invited me is just alright, I don't mind them.

We went to this place something like a diner/casual restaurant, not exactly a bar either since they let us in, no idea what to call it. But there was a karaoke. And I've learned my lesson. Never mention you can sing if there's a karaoke nearby. (looks like no one noticed me being in the school choir for the past three and a half years)

I did, 'you have to show us' and I sang so I didn't turn out to be a total bore with a stick up my ass. Olivia, one of the girls I went with recorded me and asked if she could post it. I said to go for it, I didn't think much of it.

And then I went viral. Apparently, I'm amazing and my voice is unique. Thank god I chose Vienna instead of Riptide like I wanted to initially. I have to admit it's nice to be known as the 'karaoke girl' instead of a freak for a while. No idea when this will calm down and someone will for sure blow my 'cover' but it's good for now.

And Tony's happy it wasn't a Taylor Swift song, I have no clue what this is about, but he has a serious beef with her.

February 23rd, 2022

Tony and Pepper threw me a surprise birthday party. The house was completely dark, when I got back from school, and not a sound, I didn't even hear Buck and he's always yapping when there's someone at the door. I thought maybe they went for a walk, it's still nice and wintery, a lot of snow. Usually, someone sends me a text earlier, but whatever, right?

And it's not easy to scare me. Really, you know that. I always get that feeling or something. But this time, I got a fucking heart attack, when I saw a single floating balloon in the middle of the living room. Then the door shut behind me. And I believe in ghosts.

But, no, it wasn't a ghost. The balloon was initially tied to Buck and he also jumped on the door so it closed. He ran out of hiding and no one went after him to not spoil the surprise. Morgan misunderstood the instructions. She was supposed to yell surprise, but just ran out shrieking like a banshee.

But overall, it was great. We ate a cake, watched a movie, and had a dance party - that one song from How To Train Your Dragon 2, Morgan loves it and always wants to dance to it with me, and then Tony decided he wanted to join so he forced Pepper to dance with him, and overall this was one of the cutest moment between them I have ever seen and the song suits them so much. I wonder what songs you would dance to.

When Morgan went to sleep, we started playing some board games. Lesson from today - never play Monopoly with Pepper, she'll ruin you during the first ten minutes. Currently, Tony's arguing with her and claims she's cheating. I'm not sure who is he trying to convince, but he's on the brink of tears.

Happy 18th birthday to me. Wish you were here.

March 10th, 2022

I can't stop laughing and I still can hear Tony cackling downstairs too. Morgan tried to convince me to let her have a juice pop before dinner, but I know she's not supposed to have them before meals, I told her that I can't have them either and we can eat later.

And what did Morgan do? She took me to the bathroom, made me wait there, and came back with two popsicles. She closed the door, gave me one, and with the most serious expression I have ever seen on her, told me to 'not tell mummy'

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