I. can I see him?

798 32 2

april 2016

"Welcome to Wakanda" Okoye announced.

The force field barrier flickered when the stealth craft flew through it. The dense rainforest disappeared and got replaced by a futuristic landscape. Katya leaned closer to the window on her left, her eyes widening in surprise as she let out a quiet sound of amazement and admired the grand city, bordering so closely with untamed wilderness. Natasha smiled at her. She had seen that before. After all, it wasn't her first time entering this country, but it was still impressive. She saw a lot of what the world had to offer. Different continents, dozens of nations, from big cities, through small towns, down to remote villages that weren't even on any maps, yet there wasn't a single place that came close to this hidden jewel.

"We'll take you straight to the Medical Center." someone called out from the front when the jet had already descended, flying low over the city. "You will get checked out and what's next will be up to you."

"We could use a moment to rest," Natasha suggested, using the rest as a cover for the conversation that was still waiting to happen as Katya remained clueless about her father's whereabouts, even though she was now closer to him than she ever was in the past few years.

The few hours in a jet didn't seem adequate for this talk, she felt like it was something they needed more privacy for. Also considering the recent events, and how tired and shaken up they both were, Natasha even thought about waiting one more day, letting the girl get some well-earned rest and take up the conversation in the morning. But she's been hiding it all for so long and now someone could blurt something and it was important for her that Katya learns about James from her and no one else.

It didn't take long until they touched down on a landing pad on top of a building. One of the Dora Mijale, Natasha didn't catch her name, led them through some wide, minimalistic corridors and down the fastest elevator she had ever been in, until someone from the medical staff took over. Thankfully, no one separated them, they could see each other all the time, much to Katya's relief, who was the only one somehow injured from the two of them.

Aside from a few scratches, bruises that had already formed, some of them huge, especially the one that covered almost her whole left side, and a broken nose, Natasha was completely fine, which surprised even her. Katya also didn't sustain any extensive injuries, yet the cut on her cheek required stitching up, but not quite literally - some kind of a special dressing was used, one that, from what the doctor said, should get rid of the cut in a few days, without even leaving so much as a scar. It also turned out that Katya had a cracked rib. The only other thing was the burn on her hand - the dressing got a well-needed change to another Wakandan invention and the dislocated finger that she set back in place by herself in the Budapest's vents, got secured properly by putting it into a splint. Surprisingly, there wasn't an alternative for this kind of injury. Convincing the staff about Katya's insensitivity to pain took a while, and when she and Natasha finally succeeded, it turned some interested heads who watched the girl as she didn't even flinch through any of the procedures and yawned instead, the tiredness finally kicking in, as adrenaline levels lowered.

"I'm guessing you would like to see..." a young woman started, with a thick Wakandan accent but Natasha shook her head and put a finger to her lips. The nurse frowned.

"Is there any place we could talk? Privately." she asked nodding at Katya.

The woman nodded after a moment of confusion and gestured to follow her. After grabbing the girl's attention, Natasha led her outside. They ended up in a room down the hall from where they were examined. It was simple, almost plain with a table, few chairs, and a glazed wall opposite the door.

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