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Why doesn't love ever bring me happiness? Peace? Why is it always accompanied by lies and betrayal?

My entire world came crashing down early one morning when I found out that my boyfriend of 3 years was cheating on me. I had trusted him with every inch of my heart. Even when things were rough, even when he was toxic, I had held on to him. I had gone against my family for him, fought for him to be accepted by my mother and father. But none of it meant anything because he was cheating from the start.
And my father, instead of comforting me or showing even a bit of sympathy, only said 'I told you so. '
I shouldn't have expected any more from him either.

'You couldn't even handle one relationship on your own. You have just started medical college and these things will hamper your studies. I will get you married, that way you will have a stable relationship and will be able to concentrate in college' Dad said as he sipped his morning tea at the breakfast table and opened up the newspaper to read it.

'Are you out of your mind dad? I'm just 20. I'm in college for God's sake. How on earth will I get married now. What utter nonsense are you speaking' I raised my voice, loosing my cool.

'Hey! Is that the way you talk to your father? ' my mother remarked from the kitchen.

'How else am I supposed to talk to him? Did you hear him? He will get me married! An arrianged marriage!? I absolutely don't agree to any of this. I'm just a second year in college' I yelled.

' Olivia! Now you will teach me what's right or wrong? We gave you a chance with that boy and see how it turned out. You will get married. My friend from college has a son. He is successful and well mannered. I will talk to him' dad said as I sighed in defeat.

'Do whatever you want, I'm not marrying anyone' I said as I got up and left for college.


"No dad, I am not marrying anyone, I don't even know her!How did you ever agree to this?' I said as dad told me about an arranged marriage with the daughter of his childhood friend.
"She's a wonderful girl and she's a second year in medical College. She's beautiful and well mannered and I owe a lot to her father. I am not pressuring you into anything, but please just meet her once. I'm sure you will love her, and if you don't, you can back off any time."

I sighed, "okay fine I will meet her once, but only because you are saying so."

I knew that no matter how the girl was I was not going to marry her. I am at the prime of my career and stuff like relationships is not what I should be giving importance to now. Plus my experience with relationships haven't been great. I dated a girl about two years back, but she ended up cheating on me and after that I hadn't looked at any other girl in that way.


"Listen, I have talked to 2 of my college friends and both of their sons are very successful. You already know one of them, he is the son of Mr Sharma who came over during Durga Puja last year . He has a start up of his own which is doing quite well. And the other boy is in cricketing. I have set up meetings with both of them. You can choose who ever you like, but you will get married by the end of this year and I won't hear anything else" this was the first thing I heard that say when I entered the house after a long day at college.

I knew I had no way of saying no to him, because even if I did, he would just say, "you are living under my roof,so you will do exactly as I say."
I have no idea what kind of boys setting up me with. But I knew that in no way I could marry Mr Sharma's son. His name was Rahul and I met him briefly last year . On the outside, he was a well mannered guy with good education and a successful business. But only I knew and had experienced what kind of a person he was inside. He had no respect for women and even made inappropriate advances towards me last year.
So my only hope was that the other guy turns out fine. I mentally prepared myself that I would marry now and stay for a few years until I can earn on my own and support myself and then I would divorce him.

Forever Yours ~ Shubman Gill fanficWhere stories live. Discover now