"Why did you work for Voldemort?"

Harry saw when the professor physically flinched like everyone else when the dark wizard's name was uttered.

"It's a bit complicated to explain," the professor began to say, his tone as monotone as ever, but he didn't look comfortable, "it all started with my family. Thoroughbreds are very traditionalist and conservative with their customs. In the case of the Blacks, our ancestors had a certain way of life that they liked to show off and flaunt."

The man continued talking, explaining how his parents wanted him to be a great dark wizard, and how all the prejudiced people believed the Dark Lord's words about cleansing witch society of anyone who wasn't a pureblood.

"It's hard growing up with everyone around you telling you that something is right all the time, and then one day realizing that they're wrong. Unfortunately, by the time I realized it, I was already in Voldemort's ranks, in the middle of the war."

"But you left, you gave up."

"It's not that easy, I almost died, and when I recovered, the war was over."

"What happened?"

Regulus looked at him, his gray eyes had a melancholy shadow over them.

"You're still young for this part of the story. When you're older I'll tell it to you."

Harry agreed, it wasn't as if he could force the professor to talk, or wasn't used to "being too young" to know anything.

But now, faced with these ancient and precious objects, Harry couldn't help but question the professor's sanity a little.

"What do you want?"

"As you did with the diary, Harry, I want you to do the same with these objects."


"Do you remember what Dumbledore said about how Voldemort used the diary?" the boy nodded in reply, "he can use these in the same way, that's why we need to destroy them."

"I see," Harry straightened his glasses, "but why me?"

Regulus looked up for a moment.

"I'm not sure anyone other than you can do that."

Harry frowned, he didn't understand that.

"Dumbledore told you that you and the Dark Lord have a connection, right?"

Harry nodded again. It wasn't something he liked to be reminded of.

"That's why I'm not sure, maybe it's part of your connection that allows you to destroy those items, maybe not, but it's not good to risk it."

"And since I've already done it once, I can do it again," Harry agreed, picking up the basilisk tusk.

To hell with fighting a basilisk in person, that, stabbing random objects, was much more terrifying.

He started with the cup, which was the first item in the queue, and kept going. Each time, a black, viscous liquid leaked out like blood, and then an enormous black smoke came out and a scream of pure agony reverberated through the place.

The first time, when the smoke rose frighteningly to form the figure of a screaming face and descended on Harry, Regulus jumped on him, pulling him to the side and down, protecting him with his body. But they soon realized that it didn't do anything against them, apart from adding one more thing to Harry's list of nightmares.

The next few weren't much better, but the professor let Harry hold his hand while he hit the objects, and knowing that he wasn't alone was a little comforting.

Regulus Black the Potions MasterWhere stories live. Discover now