"I'll invite him to stay and help you with the collection of basilisk-based ingredients."

"And occasionally stab objects with the fangs of the same animal."

Regulus bit his tongue. The plan was shit, but it would work, he wasn't going to argue this time. The boy will be safe at Hogwarts, the Horcruxes will be destroyed and he'll have a large stock of expensive and rare ingredients, considering the year he's had, Regulus will take whatever victories he can get.

And at least this time Harry will have some supervision while he's near such a terrible object of darkness.


Sitting in his usual spot, Regulus watched with a mixture of happiness and relief as the youngsters who had been petrified that year entered. The excitement was contagious among the students and even the teachers.

Then Dumbledore's speech and warnings began. The principal said that due to Lockhart's current condition - understand the general lack of memories - Defense Against the Dark Arts classes are suspended for the next week, it's the last of the year, and it's not like anyone can take over, and make up for all the learning deficiencies the students have had all year.

Speaking of cancellations, so were the exams. And everyone cheered as if it were the final of the Quidditch Cup and England had won. Regulus rolled his eyes affectionately at the children, they deserve a break.

"And a special thanks to Mr. Black for so expertly preparing the potion that allowed our students to be cured."

Everyone gave him a standing ovation. Regulus stood up to bow, they didn't need to thank him, he was just doing his job.

As he sat down, he noticed the unenthusiastic clapping of the person sitting next to him.

"I'm not going to inflate your ego, Black," Stevens replied, "you know you've done a good job."

He smiled at that.

"I've done nothing but my job."


"The children are happy to have their friends back," he continued and she rolled her eyes, "and to have a good teacher looking after them.

"Really? He's hospitalized and has no memories, is it really necessary to kick a dead dog?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't say anything about our colleague," Regulus took a sip of his drink, "if everyone now knows that I'm much better than him, I didn't mean to."

She just rolled her eyes again.

"At least the year is ending," she changed the subject, "I can't wait to have to correct papers."

"I thought you missed teaching."

"As much as I miss my distant relatives," she shrugged, "after two days at most, I want them to disappear."

"Bullshit, you like the students. Speaking of relatives, Nymphadora has started Auror training."

"May Merlin protect us," she replied.

They laughed. Nymphadora Tonks was a force of nature in her time as a student, like a gale that stirred up the lives of many, for better or worse.

"At least she's on the side of the law," he replies.

"She'll have the authority to arrest someone," she laughs, "can you imagine? She'd probably try to arrest someone just for saying her name a few years ago."

"She still doesn't like her name, Andy's the only one who uses it."

"Yeah, nobody wants to be jinxed because of one word," she took a sip of her strawberry juice, "but send her my congratulations. I'm sure she'll be great. And speaking of ex-students, I hear that Weasley, the second oldest..."


"Yeah, he's in Romania working with dragons."

"Impressive, not so surprising though."

Charles Weasley and Nymphadora were very close in their school days. He's a version of Hagrid focused only on dragons instead of every other kind of mortal creature in existence.

His being involved with them isn't surprising, and it's good to know that he's doing something he enjoys.

After the mention of magical creatures, as if it were a summoning spell of its own, Hagrid walks through the doors of the great hall. Completely cleared of all unfounded accusations.

He and the children - mainly from Gryffindor - seem excited by the return of the castle's gamekeeper.

"Let's enjoy our feast," Dumbledore finished and the food appeared before everyone.

Peace at last, or as much as can be expected in a place with so many children and teenagers.

Regulus Black the Potions MasterWhere stories live. Discover now