Primrose's Guide to the Tribes of Solaria

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"Primrose's Guide to Solaria" was written by Primrose and published during the year 716.


Description: glowing crimson and scarlet fur with thick, heat-resistant scales beneath, large wings like that of a SkyWing, delicately curved horns, crimson underbellies, narrow tails

Abilities: immense physical strength, breathe a deadly blue fire

Faction: Concordians

Origin: Pyroclasmic Wastes

Possible Ancestors: SkyWings


Description: black and brown fur with tints of red, slim, feline build, serrated teeth and claws, long tails, yellow-white bone plates on body, four wings

Abilities: can exhale a sedating mist or scatter it from their tails, very agile, some are capable of utilizing their connection to nature to use magic

Faction: Concordians

Origin: Silverveil Grove

Possible Ancestors: HiveWings, NightWings, LeafWings


Description: hard scales the color of various stones, large muscles, no wings, strong blades of bone on the back of their front legs, prehensile tails like that of a RainWing

Abilities: strong tails and legs, blades sharp enough to slice wood, can jump several meters into the air, venomous bite

Faction: Unaffiliated

Origin: Solstice Mountains

Possible Ancestors: SilkWings, RainWings, IceWings


Description: scales of almost any shade of purple, underscales are always a lighter shade of their scales, orange talons, thin bodies, glands across body that produce cooling gel, two sharp crescent blades at the end of their tails

Abilities: can breathe fire, claws heat up to extreme temperatures, wings absorb and release sunlight in a blinding flash, do not need to drink water, survive without food for months

Faction: The Enclave

Origin: Violet Valley

Possible Ancestors: SandWings, NightWings


Description: rock-hard scales the color of any mineral, small and bulky builds, short tail with ends shaped like hammers or maces, bodies naturally grow sun crystal buds

Abilities: excellent night vision, light-sensitive tails, sharp hearing, tail hammers strong enough to break through rock

Faction: Unaffiliated

Origin: Unknown, presumably live in caves throughout Solaria

Possible Ancestors: MudWings


Solaria's tribes were split into two factions ever since the war began. These are the Concordians, who consist of DemiWIngs and CrimsonWings, led by their king and queen and residing in Concordia, and the Enclave, consisting entirely of SunWings, led by their leader and residing in an underground network somewhere in the Violet Valley. The PeakWings were once allied with the Concordians, but no longer involve themselves with the war. The CavernWings fought against both factions when they emerged from the Caustic Caverns Crevice.

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