Lust, Caution

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The celebrations are still going in full swing when Kol spots Hayley descending the long stairwell, finally joining the gathering. He saunters over to her, a mischievous smile on his face.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence. Took you long enough, love."

She doesn't dilly dally and rolls her eyes not a moment later.

"Don't start with me, Kol. I had the herculean task of putting this dress on in the first place, and then going down these Harry Potter shifting stairs."

Kol chuckles, leaning against a nearby pillar as they engage in their usual banter.

"Well in that case you should've simply come in the nude. I assure you none, least of all myself, would find issue with such a sight."

"In your dreams pretty boy."

She scoffed and tried to go past him. He held her forearm as his eyes gleamed.

"Oh, I have had various fantasies starring yourself. Spoiler alert, they're quite lewd. But the more interesting discovery here is that you find me pretty." She tried to interject but he continued on, "I am quite pleased with your confession, because I must say; you're looking quite lovely tonight. A shame you didn't bless us with your natural beauty."

The spunky she-wolf smiled sarcastically, "Save the charm for someone who's actually interested, Kol. That's Elijah's thing, not yours. Stick to your usual game."

The Mikaeslon feigns offense, placing a hand over his heart.

"Ouch, Hayley. You wound me. Are you trying to tell me, despite your earlier affirmation, that you don't find me the least bit seductive?"

Hayley raises an eyebrow, her expression unimpressed. Her voice is surely as dry as a nun's cunt.

"Please, Kol. I can assure you, your supposed seductive powers don't work on anyone with half a brain."

Kol grins, taking a step closer to Hayley, whispering in in her ear, "Oh, I beg to differ, love. I can smell your arousal from here. It's positively obscene. You can't deny the effect I have on you."

Hayley's eyes narrow, a mixture of annoyance and amusement flickering across her face. She raises her voice, gathering the attention of some of the crowd.

"Is that so, Kol? Well, I hate to break it to you, but you're not as irresistible as you think you are. Whatever you're smelling, it's certainly not because of you."

Kol's confident façade falters for a moment, caught off guard by Hayley's response. He's never liked courting timid submissive girls - unless they were so uptight and virtuous that defiling their facade of goodness became paramount - but he isn't pleased with his current progress. If Nik and Elijah fancied this girl, she must be something special. She freed him from his latest dagger nap. He owes her for that at least. And against all odds, she's bringing a new generation of immortals into being. A magically sensitive nephew or niece for him to teach and study. That's fascinating certainly. Yet there has to be more.

"I... uh... well, I suppose you have your secrets, Hayley. But mark my words, one day you'll succumb to my charms." He stammered for fuck's sake. Not different from a virgin schoolboy who doesn't know how to properly phrase his thoughts and not sound like a buffoon or a serial killer when his crush walks by. Bekah would cut him to shreds if she learns of this. His first order of business is preventing his public humiliation spread out.

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