The Murder Of One

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Elijah had discarded those words the moment his bedridden brother uttered them. He wasn't intentionally obtuse out of some misguided belief that Niklaus wouldn't follow through.

On the contrary. If history's to be prologued, it's a proven fact that crossing his brother in any way, shape or form, results more often than not in immediate punishment. Even in cases where the offense is more perceived than factual.

Niklaus enjoys instantaneous gratification far more than long term satisfaction. He'll covet both if possible. But he'll go for the former when it's too strenuous to attempt the latter.

That is why, Elijah wasn't surprised as he could've been when Papa Tunde's blade was driven through his chest. His momentary distraction cost him his focus. And Klaus lounged like a wolf after his prey.

The pain was not like anything he's ever felt before. And he prided himself on having a high tolerance, after centuries of pushing his body to his limits.

It's not like he has to spend any effort to grow strong. Since the day of his rebirth, he had already reached peak physical prowess. A dozen armies of vampires and werewolves may ambush him, and he'll be standing at the ensuing bloodbath, no worse for wear. Except for perhaps needing a new suit. A regrettable sacrifice.

But his training was to hone his mental fortitude and practice restraint. A foreign concept to most of his relatives. Mikael was a sad excuse for a parent. Elijah however can't refute that his teachings, brutal and merciless as they were, had played a role in his resilience over the last millennium.

So as he drowned in a sea of agony and a torrent of suffering, the noble stag maintained enough sense of self to still be able to hear snippets of conversation. And what he registered was decidedly less than pleasing.

... All you have to do is admit it.

You're insane.

... Monster ... You summoned Mikael to kill me.

Elijah picked up on an intense and increasingly dangerous aura. His younger brother was swallowed by a sense of betrayal. When he was like this, nothing could sway his mind. Not reason. Not compassion. Only a superior force. And while his sister held the white oak, he wasn't so naive as to think that could protect her if the Hybrid wanted her harm. Bekah wasn't acting on the same killer instinct Niklaus was quickly spiraling into. Scratch that. That's his default setting.

Elijah swore he would protect her no matter what it took.

But he also swore he'd never stand against Niklaus either. They were meant to be together. A family united. Always and forever.

His brother broke that covenant a dozen times over. Twisted the words of youthful innocence and lorded their loyalty to him and only him as if it were his god given right. Never expecting he reciprocate an iota of the same.

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