" What do you mean you can't wake her up? What kind of fucking doctor are you?" Han yelled. "I'm sorry, Mr. Han, but she is trapped in her nightmare. She needs a comforting voice to wake her up. Is there any close relative of hers that she trusts the most?" the doctor asked. They nodded in agreement.

"The person who is lying beside her is her brother," Changbin said.

"Great. When he wakes up, he will manage to wake her up. I'm guessing she faces this kind of nightmare a lot of times," the doctor said.

"What kind of doctor are you when you can't wake someone up?" Felix said, rolling his eyes.

"I can't wake a patient up from a coma even if I really want to. Don't worry, she will be okay. She just needs some time," the doctor said.

"Worry my ass," Hyunjin mumbled. It was audible to all, but deep inside, he knew he was damn tense when Felix suddenly called him, but his brain didn't want to agree with him.

"I will take my leave, call me when the boy wakes up," the doctor said while leaving.

"You are not going anywhere," Chan said.

"You will stay here until both of them wake up," Minho said.

"Then what about my other patients?" the doctor asked.

"We will pay you more than other patients," Han said.

"Okay," the doctor said.

"It's been a fucking three hours. The doctor said he would take two hours. Why isn't he waking up, and we are still here just looking at them? I'm telling you this doctor is just a waste. Call someone else," frustrated Changbin asked.

"Shut up, Changbin. Why do you even care? Go to your room and mind your own business. No one is telling any of you to stay," Bangchan said.

"Whatever," Changbin said and started to scroll his phone, but he didn't go out, neither did any of them.

Just then, Jeongin started to move his hands. The word that came from his mouth is "Lana." He quickly managed himself without looking here and there, his eyes fixed only on his precious sister, ignoring the surrounding.

The relief when he sees the doctor beside them.
"Thank you so much, doctor, for coming here," Jeongin said.

"Yah, you're welcome, kid. By the way, my name is Park Jin-young. People call me JYP, but you can call me Dr. Park. Your sister's fever is now gone, but she isn't waking up. Do you know what to do?"

"Oh yes, I will wake her up. I know it's difficult to wake her up from her nightmare," then Jeongin looked at his sister and hugged her tightly.

"Hey baby, wake up. You are safe here with me... where are you?" Jeongin asked

"Oppa... oppa, where are you? I'm scared they will kill us, oppa... they will kill us," Lana said, her tears continuously falling.

"Shhh... don't worry, no one is going to hurt us. We are safe. It's a nightmare; you have to wake up. Come on, you are a strong girl," Jeongin said.

"They are getting closer, oppa. I'm stuck. No one will help us," Lana said, holding Jeongin tightly. Her eyes are still shut.

"Nothing will happen. I'm with you. I will protect you. Hold my hand. We will run away from them. We will be safe, I promise," Jeongin said, and finally, he succeeded in waking Lana up.

"Are we safe, right?" she innocently asked him with a pout.

"Yes, we are, princess," Jeongin said and kissed her forehead. He started to pat her head softly. Just then, he looked at his surroundings and found seven pairs of eyes looking at him.

His expression changed as he looked at them. He knew they would ask for an explanation. He just closed his eyes, started to calm down his sister again.

"So, mister, what kind of trauma or any phobia do you have?" the doctor asked. He didn't answer; he knew that answering this question would anger the mafia or put the doctor's life at risk.

"He asked you something," Chan asked coldly, and just then both siblings flinched.

"It's okay, we are safe, Lana, no one will hurt us," Jeongin said, comforting her.

"We have hoplophobia, the fear of guns and weapons. Somehow I can manage myself, but my sister can't," Jeongin said.

"How did you end up looking at any gun or weapon?" the doctor asked. "We saw guards holding guns... that's why we fainted," he lied, and everyone knew.


"Please, Dr. Park, I'm not in a condition to answer any of your questions. Your work is done, and thanks for treating us. I will pay you. How much is it?" Jeongin said.

" "No worries, Mr. Bang. I have already processed your payment. I'm taking my leave now. Call me anytime when you need me," Mr. Park said. Now they have to face all seven monsters on their own. Their lives are going to change, or they are going to change the life of the mafia.
Let's see...

( I'm taking is episode is very long so I will take my leave
And don't forget to check my new story okay)

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