Chapter 2

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Alerion was in his room that day and was working at his desk, he pulled up a holographic screen and sifted through the many applications that were available. These were old projects that he and his father worked on before he died, he slowed for a second and stared at the video of him and his father building something. He smiled slightly with tears forming in his eyes and then forced himself to click away from the image.

"Alerion. I have found a suitable agent for the visor you are working on." a robot pod said itfloated up behind him.

"Just sideline it for now, Jyla." he said as he got up and started to check his computer gauntlet on his arm.

"Your sister is waiting for you." Jyla said.

Alerion frowned before looking at the robot, then he shrugged and made his way down. He walked down the halls with a small sigh of apprehension, he hoped his sister had calmed down because she was very terrifying when she was angry at him. He walked past a portrait and he paused before backing up, he looked at the portrait and saw the smiling faces of his parents and his sister. He read the inscription underneath it and smiled.

House of Val-Zor. The Val-Zor Family

His mother once mentioned the portrait was a gift from a friend she knew, looking at it now he realized how much he missed her. Valta was more closer to their mother than he was, it also didn't help the fact that Valta was the spitting image of their mother. Red hair, hazel eyes and the beauty mark just below their right eye. Alerion was more closer to his father because of science, which was pretty obvious. But he didn't have a deep interest in the same way his father did, it was more of a hobby to him.

He looked away from the portrait and made his way down the luminescent steps, he looked up and saw his sister reading a file on her couch with a drink to her side. Judging by the frown on her face, he figured she was not in a good mood and that scared him a bit.

"Valta..." he said trying to gather courage.

"Morning, Alerion." she said calmly without looking at him. "I heard you working upstairs. I was wondering when you would come down."

"I was nervous." he said as he slowly got closer.

She then lifted her gaze from the file and met his, she smiled a bit at this before returning yo her stoic expression.

"You're scared of your sister? I always knew but hearing you admit it is very endearing."

"No its not." he said quickly.

"Remember what I told you, Alerion." Valta said before putting the file down. "This is your last chance. If you cause trouble again, its over. And I do not want that to happen to my brother, so please dont do anything."

"I promised, didn't I?" he said as he took a seat.

She stared at him for a minute before throwing a pillow at him, he caught it and gave her a look.

"Really?" he asked.

"Yes." Valta smiled before sipping on her drink.

"Lady Valta, there is someone at the door." a bot said from the kitchen.

Alerion gave his sister a glance and she returned it before putting her cup down, then she grabbed the pad next to her.

"Were you expecting someone?" she asked.

"No. I don't even have any friends." Alerion shrugged. "I hate social interacting, its draining."

"Just like mother." Valta said with a chuckle before pressing a button on the pad.

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