Stussy | Injustice

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Requested by - kurakaaaa


Stussy was currently sailing to the location of her long-lost best friend, (Y/N). She was on the ship with some of her other friends from the cipher pol 0.

Lucci: How much longer?

Stussy: Not much. We should arrive in a few hours.

Lucci: You excited to see him?

Stussy: Of course I am! I haven't seen him in five years!

Kaku: We know how hard it must be for you.

Lucci: Yeah, you guys were pretty close.

She turned around, looking away from them.

Stussy: Just drop me off and go. No need to play therapist with me.

They both sighed and walked away. After a few hours, they saw an Island on the horizon.

Lucci: That's your stop.

Stussy: Alright. I'm taking the sloop. You'll just alert him if he's there.

Lucci: We'll be waiting here. If anything happens, give us a call.

Kaku: Be careful. He's become quite dangerous.

Stussy: When was he NOT?

She said with a small smile, remembering the days when they worked together. She took a sloop and sailed to the island. It wasn't too big so it was easy for her to look for him. She wandered around for a while until she heard some pirates.

Pirate #1: Are we ready to leave yet?

Pirate #2: Not yet. Captain said so.

Pirate #1: Why are we even here? What's on this Island?

Pirate #2: Something that the captain wants. I don't know what it is but if he wants it, it must be important.

Stussy: (Thinking) What are they looking for?

She snuck around trying to find (Y/N). She almost gave up but heard a familiar voice. She squinted her eyes to see who it was and then she became shocked.

Stussy: (Y-Y/N)...

(Y/N): How much longer?

Pirate #1: We've almost reached the bottom.

(Y/N): Keep digging. Let me know when you're done. The quicker we can get that, the better.

Stussy then jumped down from her position and landed in the middle of the pirates. Everyone immediately aimed their guns at her.

(Y/N): STOP! S-Stussy?

Stussy: (Y/N)...

They slowly closed the distance between them and hugged each other. The pirates holstered their guns and went back to what they were doing.

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