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Venion only rode a horse with Choi Han because Choi Han didn't want Venion to do something crazy if he was alone.

Choi Han even reminded Rosalyn to look after him if he had something to do.

Venion as usual, looked gloomy without doing anything. After all, the one who brought him was Choi Han.

Venion had no obligation to do the work that Cale ordered Choi Han to do.

Indeed, he could kill without mercy, but if he was asked to lift a heavy object, he would not be able to do that.

For 4 years, all he did was attempt suicide and daydream all day while looking at the sky or roof of the room.

If not, he will play with Neo whatever game he invites him to play.

Whether Neo gave in or he was lucky, Venion always won whatever game Neo brought.

"You're pensive alone again. Why do you always look gloomy?"

Rosalyn smiled while sitting next to Venion. Choi Han had explained Venion's condition, which had severe depression problems, to Rosalyn.

Venion just ignored Rosalyn. And Rosalyn didn't feel bothered by that considering his condition.

Venion didn't want to get involved in the affairs of Cale and all of his members.

He thought he was crazy enough to accept Choi Han's offer. Now he regrets it.

He should have just left Choi Han and jumped into the river so he would drown.

But he was sure that Choi Han would definitely jump into the river to help him if he did.

Even if his strength was terrifying, Choi Han was still a kind bastard.

Now they were waiting at the bottom of the hill, waiting for the wolf tribe to come down to meet them.

'I should read novels without skipping...'

Venion felt bored and just skipped the explanation.

What he knows is that Lock is a child from the wolf tribe who Choi Han found with other wolf children.

'Was the village attacked?'

Venion didn't really care. In the end, he is just a minor villain character without the empathy to think about other people.

Meddling in other people's affairs is not something a minor villain would do.

"They're late than usual... I'm getting worried. Let's go up and see what happens."

Odeus muttered and everyone agreed. Everyone moved up the mountain.





Everyone was shocked to see the village engulfed in flames, with several people attacking the wolf tribe that living in that village.

However, what was most surprising, was the crazed-looking wizard, drinking blood from the wolf tribe's skull with a hideous smile.

"Ahh, it looks like we have an uninvited guest."

The wizard smiled while looking at them.

Seeing the symbol of 5 red stars and 1 white star, Choi Han's eyes went crazy. He remembered the bastard who destroyed Harris's village, and immediately drew his sword, attacking the mage.

'What is that bastard's name again?'

Venion couldn't remember that crazy magician's name even if he read the Plaza terror incident in the novel.

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