Adventures With Glenn the Pizza Man

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While her sister was nowhere to be found in the morning it didn't take long for Andrea to agree to stay in the bus while Amy went on a run. Emma and Braden did not look happy to be left with her older sister but had learned quickly that fits would not get them anything but pain. The young blonde kissed them both on the forehead before feeding them breakfast. It was still August and hot as hell in Georgia but Amy would take the sweat over a bite from the dead. So, she quickly placed on her arm guards and shin pads, making sure to have plenty of water with her.

Originally, she intended to have Glenn drop her off at one of the smaller towns close to the city but the young Asian man quickly decided they would stick together. Typically he did his own solo run into the city, something Amy thought completely suicidal. However, Amy refused to go anywhere near the small fenced-in outposts the military installed after the so-called refugee center fell. If Katrina taught them nothing, it wasn't Amy's business to tell them they were stupid to trust the army that bombed cities and slaughtered hospitals.

They ended up in a small town that was eerily empty after a two hours drive of traffic jams and road blocks. Amy just considered herself lucky they didn't run into any survivors. While she didn't think they would turn to cannibalism a week into the apocalypse, people still did it before the end of the world. They pulled into a small strip mall that had exactly what Amy had been hoping for, Tractor Supply.

"Wow, there's no geeks." Glenn whispered, nearly awed as they walked across the abandoned parking lot.

Amy veered off to a green Silverado that already had a 12 foot trailer attached to the hitch. The owner's corpse was leaning up against the back tire, his entire lower body stripped of any flesh. His keys were still clutched in his twitching dead hands so she wasted little time stabbing him through his temple. Glenn gagged behind her but kept his bat raised and ready while he scanned the empty lot.

"This guy must have been a janitor." The blonde grumbled while trying the many master keys he had on his ring for the locked trailer. After only twelve attempts, she finally found the right one to call Glenn closer. "It doesn't sound like there's any in there but be prepared."

The side door swung open with Amy and Glenn quickly retreating. Inside was absolutely empty, as if the man had just swung in only for this trailer. She could smell the finish on the wood floor still so she quietly closed the door to check his truck. It was almost as if the man was prepared for the end of the world, his truck bed was enclosed by a hard cap and inside she could clearly see neatly organized boxes. With a sigh, she started checking keys once again, and decided to separate them for easier access.

Another twenty minutes and she was right, the man was prepared. Bottled water, MREs, obviously pilfered medication, and even brand new rifles in fancy cases. The poor man would have lasted weeks on the back of his truck alone so why had he exited his truck without a weapon? It became obvious by the stacks of electronics that were safely hidden in the extended cab but no ammo. He was an opportunist looter, not a prepper like she first thought. All of the things in his truck were brand new, even the Silverado had less than one hundred miles on it.

"This should help the group for a little while." Glenn hummed excitedly while pawing through the MREs with interest. Amy rolled her eyes and snapped the crate closed on him. He looked down at her with wide eyes. "I really should have listened to you sooner."

"We save those for when we are low on canned food and fresh meat dummy." The Blonde shook her head in amusement before driving the truck around the entire strip mall and parking at the back door of Tractor Supply. Hopping out of the jack up truck, she looked at him exasperated. "They have a long shelf life and are not healthy to eat for long periods of time. "

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