"What even is this school?" Deuce asked, "I'd at least heard of Noble Bell, but Rising Phoenix is a whole new concept. We don't hear about them much."

"It's because we don't have much interaction with them like we do Royal Sword," Reina replied. "Plus, Rising Phoenix is in a secluded part of the Shaftlands, so we don't hear about them as much like we do Noble Bell, which is in a large city," Riddle continued.

"Do you think we could trouble you for some cute pics?" Cater asked. "I can take some," Reina smiled as she gave Cater a pat on the shoulder.


"Trust me, Jack, I'm sure this load of carnivores can handle themselves while we're gone," Leona groaned, "Why do you care about the state of the dorm, anyway? If you care so much, why not fight me for the seat of housewarden, hm?" Jack hardened his expression, "Because I know my own limits, Kingscholar. Unlike you." With that, Jack turned tail and left the room, grumbling about his cacti getting destroyed while he was gone.

"Jack, you okay?" Luna asked, noticing his displeasure. "Leona's getting on my nerves, but other than that, I'm fine," Jack replied, "I just wish I didn't have to go. Now I may lose my prized cactus collection..." "I'm fairly certain no one cares about your 'cactus' collection," Ruggie quipped, suddenly entering the conversation.

"Come on, Jack, let's go get packed," Luna grabbed Jack's arm and he allowed himself to be pulled away.


"Hmph, I hardly think that Floyd of all people should've been chosen to go," Azul grumbled. 

"And I'm not too thrilled about my brother leaving me for 2 weeks." Jade tried to keep his expression neutral, but even he was finding it hard to contain his displeasure. While Floyd and Jade were by no means "attached at the hip" they were definitely inseparable. While they didn't need to be together constantly, they had never been away from each other for that long. Jade wasn't sure how he was going to feel knowing his brother was several thousand miles away from him. "Awh, I'll miss ya too, Jade~" Floyd replied, "But I'm excited to go! I'll get to hang with Goldfishie and Glofishie too! Along with Sea Urchin...Sea Lion, Dogfish, Sharksucker, Betta fish, Seagull, Firefly Squid, Ghostfish, Sea Slug, and Pufferfish. Striped beakfish too!" "How is it you can remember all the students that were chosen and their nicknames, but not when you have a shift at the lounge?" Azul pinched the bridge of his nose as he looked at the eel.

Jade furrowed his brow at Floyd, "At least promise me that you'll write everyday." "You sound like I'm your son going off to war or something," Floyd laughed, "I'll be fine, Jade~but, I'll try to text." "Right...yeah, texting will be fine too..." Jade chuckled sheepishly, "Just let me know you're there everyday." "I will," Floyd replied, expression softening as he looked at his brother, "Y'know I'll miss ya too..." 

"I know," Jade looked down, "We've just never been this far apart before..." "It's only for two weeks," Floyd stated. "I know...but that's two weeks I'll be without my twin brother. Two weeks I won't see you in person. Two weeks I'll have all my classes and shifts without you...and on top of everything else, you'll be thousands of miles away from me! That's too far," Jade replied with a huff. Floyd pulled his brother into a hug and gripped his shirt, "Hey, it'll be okay, Jade...I'll be back before ya know it!" 


"I trust you'll keep everything in order while we're gone, Epel?" Vil raised an eyebrow. Epel nodded in reply, "You two just worry about having a good time! I'll make sure everything is perfect here as normal." "Marveloux, Monsieur Cherry Apple!" Rook beamed, "Roi du Poison and I will have fun, I am sure." "Indeed," Vil replied, "Now, Rook, do you have the list of what we'll need?" "Oui, Mon Roi," Rook stated, holding up the small list of required items. "Perfect. Now, let's get going. We mustn't be late." 


As he packed his things, Idia was busy grumbling to himself about how he'd yet again been chosen for a trip he didn't want to go on. 

"Nii-san, please calm down," Ortho assured, "The trip to Fleur City wasn't that bad, was it?" "Are you fr kidding me right now, Ortho!? We about lost our magic and lost all our hearts out there! I survived on half a heart and I'm pretty sure most of the damage I took was from that "gift" Malleus made us present to the students at Noble Bell College," Idia murmured, "Are you sure you don't need me to stay to keep you up on updates?" "I'm sure!" Ortho replied, "I know when I'm supposed to power off and when I'm supposed to supply my own updates. Don't be discourage, Nii-san, you'll have Scarlett!" "I suppose it does make me feel a bit better knowing my gf will be there...but I am srsly contemplating just not going," Idia grumbled, throwing in another pair of sweatpants to his suitcase.

"Idia?" Scarlett called out from the other side of the door. Idia practically bolted to the door, but slowed himself down, "Gosh, I look so desperate, don't I, Ortho?" Ortho didn't reply, instead ushering him to open the door.

Scarlett walked in and kissed Idia on the cheek before heading to his bed, "I thought I could run over a few of the things I plan on packing and see if there is anything else I need." 

"O-oh, sorry, I was just recovering from that kiss. It was an unplanned for attack I'm afraid I hadn't put the defense on for..." Idia shook his head and walked over to her before sitting down and looking at her things.

"Of course, we need plenty of sunscreen...it's mid-summer season over there and it's gonna be hot," Scarlett replied, "And of course we'll need formal clothes..."

Idia zoned out as he watched her speak. The way her beautiful lips moved as she talked, how her eyes brightened up when she looked over at him, back to those lips...curving into a small smile.

"-dia? Idia? Idia!" Scarlett had apparently been yelling his name. "S-sorry," Idia felt his face grow hot and could see the tips of his hair turning pink. How dare his own body betray him like that!?

"Aww..." Scarlett chuckled, "Don't make me kiss you right now. We have work to do." "I-I'm not tryna get y-you to k-kiss me..." Idia replied, stuttering on almost every word through the embarrassment. As if his flustered self wasn't enough, the tips of his hair grew an even darker shade of pink and he tried to hide his face in his hands. Scarlett couldn't help herself as she gave him a quick kiss on the lips. 

That didn't help Idia any because he stayed so flustered. He didn't even know why. They'd been dating for almost 2 years now. You would think he'd have been used to her affection by now. 


"My liege. My mistress...you can't both leave..." Sebek pleaded, "Not without me or Silver there to protect you. I've told this several times." Malleus had been taking it, not saying anything to Sebek as he always did, but he could tell it was stressing Kira out.

"Sebek, I have told you several times now, as have many other students. I am one of the top 5 mages in the world, am I not?" Malleus asked. "Y-you are," Sebek replied. "Then does that not mean that I am perfectly capable of handling myself and those entrusted with me?" Malleus raised an eyebrow, clearly already knowing that he'd won this battle.

"Well, I suppose so..." Sebek looked down, "I am sorry, My Liege. I will leave you alone now." Malleus smirked as he turned back to Kira who was laughing to herself at Malleus's outburst.

"Thank you, Malleus," Kira replied. "Of course, My Thorn..Now, let's get ready to leave, shall we?"

"We shall, My Lovely Dragon," Kira replied.

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