Chapter 1

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Before we start, a bit of info on OC's if you haven't read my other stories:

Reina Thornbloom: belongs to me ( @shiverfuuka)
She is Riddle's gf; Floyd's nickname for her is Glofish
Luna Galaway: belongs to Jacksgirlfriend865
She is Jack's gf; Floyd's nickname for her is Dogfish
Scarlett Crescent: belongs to TheScarletttFoxx
She is Idia's gf; Floyd's nickname for her is Ghostfish
Kira Spindle: belongs to Zoroark-Godorah
She is Leona's gf; Floyd's nickname for her is Pufferfish


"-and because I am so benevolent, I have decided to choose a group to visit Rising Phoenix Academy," Crowley chuckled, clearly pleased with himself.

The students muttered incoherently to one another as the headmage read off the students who would be going.

"Riddle Rosehearts. Reina Thornbloom. Leona Kingscholar. Ruggie Bucchi. Jack Howl. Luna Galaway. Floyd Leech. Vil Schoenheit. Rook Hunt. Scarlett Crescent. Idia Shroud. Malleus Draconia. And Kira Spindle."

The students not chosen just grumbled with upset tones before turning tail and going back to their own dorms.

Meanwhile, the chosen ones stayed back to hear the things they'd need.

"Alright, so beginning, you'll all need to meet here tomorrow promptly at 7:00 am sharp in order to arrive in time for their morning festivities," Crowley started, "Professor Crewel will accompany you on the trip, but Professor Trein would like you each to complete a 2000 word essay on the history of the Rising Phoenix Festival. I'm sure you can to that amount easily."

"What will we need to pack?" Vil asked. "Pack clothes prepared for summer," Crewel answered, "This particular part of the Shaftlands is incredibly hot, so cool clothing would be best." Vil nodded, mentally checking off outfits he had that would work.

"How do I know if my clothes will work for summer...?" Riddle asked. Reina smiled, "I'll show you when we get back to the dorm, 'Kay, Rose?" Riddle nodded, a light blush forming on his face.

She said it quietly, so no one could hear, but it still made Riddle's heart flutter when she talked to him with those sweet nicknames.

"Th-thank you," Riddle replied with barely an ounce of composure. He both hated and loved how only she could do that to him. He hated how flustered he got...but he loved how it felt.

"Alright, are there any other questions?" Crowley asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah, actually," Vil asked, "Where's Malleus?"

"Did you forget to tell him to come?" Luna looked at Crowley. If anyone could see Crowley's eyes under the mask, they'd say they were the size of quarters.

"I-I'll entrust Ms. Spindle with relaying everything to Mr. Draconia," Crowley hummed. "Uh, Headmage?" Reina interjected, "You forgot to tell Kira to come too."

Crowley sighed, "Oh, Great Seven."


When Reina and Riddle entered Heartslabyul, they were greeted with two excited third years and two very jealous first years.

"Awh come on!" Ace grumbled, "I didn't even get to go to Fleur City and Riddle gets to go again!?"

"Calm down, Ace," Trey sighed, "It would've been a great opportunity to get to go, but I'm sure Reina and Riddle will have a marvelous time at Rising Phoenix Academy."

Festival of the Rising Phoenix | Twstd Fan EventTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang