chapter sixteen: responsibility

Start from the beginning

I just stood there suprised and still. I managed to let out something.

"Q- Quinn?" I ask astonished.

"Geeeeeen......" he slurs his words.

Great it's not just Quinn, it's drunk Quinn.

"What are you doing here?" I ask trying to get some answers to why he wasn't at home with Rachael.

"I don't know man, I wanna kiss you though.." he rambled on..

I put my arm around him and lead him into the room. His steps are very off track and he stumbles to my bed.

"Don't you want to at least take your coat off? It might not be as comfortable.."  I warn him.

Damn it, he ain't leaving any time soon so I guess it's me that's taking care of him.

I text Gen to let her know my situation and to ask if she could stay at Landon's for the night: and she never replied. She must be busy with Landon at the club they were at.

"I feel so shitty right now but I feel like I need another drink." I turn and listen to drunken Quinn ramble on.

"No Quinn you don't need anything more.. you're already hammered." I respond dryly.

I decide to take the caregiver role responsibly and take out an oversized hoodie and a pair of my brothers shorts that I stole from him a whole back and offer them to him.

" I want to be comfortable but I don't feel like getting up and waking to your bathroom." He replies to my offer.

Instead of letting him rot there, I decide to help him up and lead him to the bathroom to let him change.

I close the door and I hear him flop into the floor.

I knock. "Quinn trust me being in comfortable clothes makes being drunk 100 percent better!" I try to convince him to just listen to me but I guess he has a mind of his own.

I just decide to let him do his thing. I sit on my bed and pull out my laptop to watch 'The Office' on Netflix.

Another five minutes goes by and finally, a stumbling Quinn comes out of the bathroom with the clothes I had on. He comes over to my bed and when I wasn't paying attention, he flops down right beside me.

God Quinn I have no fucking room.

"Oh- Quinn I have no space, why don't you go to Eva's bed?" I ask while trying to squirm out of his grip. He just mumbles and lays his head on my shoulder.

I give up and just sit there with his arms wrapped around me. "Why are you here?" I ask blatantly. I wanted some answers to why he was here when we were in a fight.

"Someone told me something and then I realized I had more drinks then I really needed to have." He says with his eyes closed.

"Oh yeah? What did that person show you? Is it something bad?" I ask.

He pulls out his phone from his pocket, unlocks it and goes onto someone's conversation on iMessage. He then scrolls up and finds a picture.

He shows it to me.

It was of a blonde girl sitting with a guy at a bar. I take a closer look and start putting the pieces together. I recognized that face. The hair.

It was Rachael, there with another guy.

He then starts to tell me all about him and his friends conversation. Elias told him that he had seen her and another guy and they were all touchy and thought it was weird because he knew her to be with Quinn. He then saw them kiss and decided to take a picture and send it to Quinn.

Now I get why he was drunk as hell.. but why did he choose to come to my dorm? He could've went to one of his friends or someone on the hockey team..

"I just don't know what I did to deserve getting cheated on.." his voice breaks as he tries to finish the sentence.

"I'm here Quinn, just let it out."

Hammered Quinn has tears streaming down his face. He grips one of my pillows and puts his face into it.

I get up off the bed to put some fluffy pyjamas on. I wanted to be warm because it was winter.

I got a water bottle out of the mini fridge on my side of the fridge and walked over to Quinn to lay beside him and comfort him.

He wasn't in the right state of mind to be talking seriously to me, so I decided to just be there for him.

I climb back into my bed and Quinn pulls me into his arms.

I find it so comforting, and I had a warm feeling inside my heart. It was like a spark was reigniting.

I felt myself just lay there motionless,  just wanting to stay where I was.

In the arms of a heartbroken man.



this ain't the end of it though, keep on reading folks 😍

that is when I post lol but I'm still trying because it's an escape 😤😤😤😤

Anyways I love y'all!!

Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now