🩶Back for You - Ruin Eclipse x Reader🩶

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Note: To be perfectly clear, this is the canon canon Eclipse and not the one from the Sun and Moon Show. Takes place after Cassie has already been by to reboot 'em. I might do a part two, just 'cus this one was more focused on reader meeting Eclipse and convincing him to leave with her, not really any of the romantic cutesy stuffs. Request pt. 2 for domestic Eclipse. Go ahead. I dare ya. °w°

Word Count: 1800
Warnings: Mild angst with an implied happy ending, me acknowledging the events of Ruin as canon begrudgingly and only once, claustrophobia tw?, and author is tuckered out and therefore refuses to proofread.


You forced yourself to continue drudging down the hall, no matter how much you wanted to turn back. You knew, logically, that there was no way that your old... associate.. was still operational, let alone in one piece... But as long as there was a shred of a doubt, a sliver of a chance that he could be okay, you had to know. So you continue walking.

You dearly wish you could've done this sooner. In fact, you'd been searching for a way to legally search the place for signs of "life" pretty much since the earthquake first happened. You just haven't been given permission until now... nearly a year and a half later.

You don't know if you'll be able to forgive yourself if you find him deactivated, only to discover that it was something that could've been fixed or avoided entirely if only someone had come sooner. The thought makes you sick, as well as making your legs move slightly faster down the oh-so-familiar hallway.

You finally arrive at those cursedly heavy doors. You don't have a key, and for a split second, your heart drops into your stomach as you realize that, if it's locked, you might be forced to come back with a crowbar.. which wouldn't look good at all, as one of the main conditions of you being allowed in here is that you cause no further damage.

Your panic is soon vanquished, however, as you force your way through the doors with a determined strength that you hadn't previously realized you were carrying. You wheeze for a moment, lungs filling with dust from your brutal disturbance of the long abandoned room.

As soon as your coughing fit is done, your eyes widen almost comically in horror. The daycare is in shambles. You don't know what you expected - the rest of the Pizzaplex looked as though a tsunami and several truckloads of looters had been through it - but this?

Grime, mold, and mildew cake every wall, a serious health-code violation, but that's honestly the least of the wrecked place's problems. Several of the play structure tubes are cracked or even broken, and so is practically everything else in the room, right down to the sad-looking floor tiles.

There was a part of you that almost hoped Sun and Moon weren't conscious. They'd be wishing they were deactivated if they saw this mess. At that thought, you quickly remind yourself of your ultimate goal here. Finding the Daycare Attendant. Your coworker. Your best friend. Your... that's not important.

You shake your head a little, snapping out of that train of thought as you return to your search. You know it's a long shot, but you decide to at least try calling to them, really not expecting much. "... Sun? ... Moon? Anybody? Hellooo...?"

"Warning, warning! Adult in the play area!"

Your heart reunites with your stomach once more, and your eyes snap in the direction of the unfamiliar voice; it seems to be coming from the ballpit.

At once, a figure rises out, and you stiffen. It's the Daycare Attendant, alright... but it doesn't look like Sun or Moon. It... he? has Sun's rays, Moon's nightcap, and his pants seem to be a bit of both- at least from what you can tell, as he only has one leg, the pants that should be covering the sad, metal stump ripped beyond repair. Probably most notable was his face place, which was half Sun's, half torn away, with the damaged side featuring one glowing red eye that was undeniably Moon's.

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