❤️Halloween Special - (S.A.M.S.) Bloodmoon Twins x Reader❤️

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Note: I'm having some issues with my vision and I really hope that those are red hearts. Happy Halloween, readers!

Word Count: 1111
Warnings: blood mentions (obviously), fear, Bloodmoon, and (extremely)mild swearing


You're so excited for your first Halloween with Bloodmoon; you can hardly contain yourself. You have plans for the whole night: pumpkin carving, haunted houses, scary movies.. This is by far your favorite holiday!

As you stand around on your porch waiting for him to show up, you make some last minute adjustments to your schedule to accommodate his Halloween treat preferences (totally not shopping the black market for O negative blood).

Just as you placed your order, a bush nearby rustled. A millisecond later, your beloved boyfriend(s) clawed his way out of it. "WE'RE HERE!"

You giggle at his apparent rush, "Hey, Loves! Excited to get this party started?"

"YES!!" The two voices coursed.

"Alrighty then! First things first," you move aside, revealing two pumpkins on two newspapers with two sets of carving tools nearby, "Would you boys care to try your hands at pumpkin carving?"

He nods excitedly, grabbing your hand and pulling you over to where you have everything set up.

About an hour and a half goes by as the two(three?) of you work on your "masterpieces", sun settling below the trees just as you finish up with your designs and ignite the candles inside.

You turn and smile at him. "Reveal on three?"

He nods, and you count down, each turning your pumpkins around at the same time.

His is.... Well, it's something. It's a basic Jack 'O Lantern, only with two faces and various stabs and random slices littered over it. It's not exactly what most would call "fine art", but it's very.. him, and you love it.

He thoroughly compliments yours as well; it's a perfectly average Jack 'O Lantern itself, but with your own spooky twist on it. Not very special, but still uniquely yours.

The two of you sit by the candlelight emanating from within your respective creations, watching the golden harvest moon continue to rise in the sky.

Checking the time on your phone, a wicked grin of your own spreads it's way across your features. The haunted house is open. You jingle your keys and Bloodmoon gets the hint, racing over to your vehicle and climbing into the passenger side faster than a dog excited for a carride.

You chuckle quietly to yourself at the thought, hopping into the driver's seat and beginning the short trip. Just around 10 minutes later, you pull into the parking lot of Fredrick's Fear Factory[I literally just made this up, please don't come for me if this turns out to be an actual place 💀].

Bloodmoon immediately grabs your hand once more, dragging you behind him. You begin to sense a reoccurring theme, here; Bloodmoon seems to be extremely excited to spend this Halloween with you, at least more than he originally let on.

At the admission desk, you pay for the both of you, and the old lady at the desk leans over to squint at you. "Hello dears.. What are you two supposed to be?"

You quickly answer before your date(s) can give the poor gal a heart attack, "I'm supposed to be a (insert whatever costume you prefer), and he's a, uh, vampire."

The old woman doesn't question it - you get the impression from her squinting that she doesn't see very well - and sends the two of you in, wishing you a very happy Halloween.

"That was very smooth of you," the main twin snickers, "'vampire' indeed... We could go for some blood right now, right brother?"

"Yes!" The other pitches in, "we're starving!"

Mentally praying for the lives of the haunted house workers, you decide to hint at a part of your surprise for later.

"Good thing I might have a surprise for you later.. but you'll just have to wait and se-"

You're cut off abruptly by a shrill scream the likes of which you had forgotten you were capable of.. Just like how you'd forgotten that you were in a haunted house.

The next several minutes are a terror filled blur, images of you clinging to Bloodmoon and him laughing his ass off at you vaguely flashing in your memory. You really hadn't given this place enough credit; it was horrifying.

Bloodmoon doesn't get scared, of course- minus the doll hall. For that one, he actually grabs your hand... though, you're certain that if you say anything about it, he'll just grumble something about not wanting you to fall on the uneven flooring or get lost in the near blackness of the place, so you keep your mouth shut.

To end with, they decide to go with the classic "chainsaw guy chases you out" maneuver, which you are prepared for... and Bloodmoon is not. Apparently, he didn't show up expecting someone to actively charge you with what appears to be a deadly weapon. You end up having to legitimately carry him back to your car to keep him from attacking the poor dude like a rabid guard dog.

"So," you ask on the drive home, "How did you like that?"

"It was.. something," he admits slowly.

"We didn't appreciate the doll themed one," the other butts in, earning an embarrassed "shh!" from the other.

"I could tell," you grin, fighting the urge to point out the hand holding he initiated during that bit.. but you refrain, albeit barely.

Soon, you're back at your house. Bloodmoon begins his goodbyes, clearly not wanting to leave, but not yet realizing that there's a choice.

"Wait!" You say, before asking somewhat awkwardly, "Is there, uh, anywhere in particular you have to be tonight?"

"No," the first twin pitches.

"We don't have anywhere to go," the second throws in.

Your eyes widen. "Something happened with Ruin, didn't it?"

"We'll tell you about it later.. it's late now; shouldn't you get to bed, human?" He asks, as though you ever slept at decent hours.

"Actually," you fidget slightly, "I was wondering if you'd like to stay..?"

He seems surprised. "Are you certain?"

Now, it's your turn to nod excitedly. "Yeah! I was kinda counting on it, actually; I have everything we need for a horror movie night set up, aaand," you draw out comically, leaning forward to whisper, "There might be a treat for you guys in there, too."

He practically knocks your door off its hinges. At least they're enthusiastic.


Note: This takes place just after Ruin is cured, before they decide to stay in whatever the castle-y place was that they resided in until the whole Stitchwraith scenario.

[FNAF] Sun and Moon x Reader - OneshotsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα