🩶Back for You pt.2 - Ruin Eclipse x Reader🩶

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Note: Ruin fans come get y'all's food! XD I'm really glad that a few of y'all liked part 1 of this enough to ask for another. 🥹 That means a lot; thank you guys!! P.S.- Can you find the scene reminiscent of HW2's sassy Sun? 👀

Word Count: 1642
Warnings: none; not proofread all that well ^^'


It's been only a couple short weeks since you invited Eclipse to stay with you, and he's already made himself right at home. In fact, you'd go as far as to say that you can't imagine living without him, despite the incredibly small amount of time he's been with you.

He just fits. Like that last puzzle piece that you don't even realize is missing until you check the box again. From the moment you step through your door, you are never without him- and, much to your surprise, you can never seem to be bothered by that. It probably helps a little that he insists on assisting you with housework whenever he can.

He's so bent on repaying you for saving him from the ruins of the Pizzaplex, especially since the new parts came in that you ordered for him. His exoskeleton still isn't completely repaired, of course; that would require you to custom order parts from Fazbear themselves, and... well, you aren't currently in a position to do that.

You see, the other main condition of you being permitted to search the abandoned Pizzaplex was that you report your findings. Honestly, that was your main argument for why you should be allowed to; you said you would report back with anything of value.

Well, you have something of value.. You're just no longer sure you'd be willing to give him up.

It wouldn't be that big of an issue, really, if you weren't certain that they'd try to revert Eclipse to his more widely known (and therefore more easily marketable) predecessors. You did your analyzing of his code; your initial theory was right: Eclipse was the peaceful cooperation of Sun and Moon, and - with all that the two went through, what with the virus and all - you were willing to go pretty far to preserve their newfound peace with one another.

It may have also had a little something to do with the fact that you didn't want to part ways, unsure of if Fazbear would even bother making a new Superstar Daycare, let alone whether you could get hired there or not.

So far, you haven't actually reported back anything, not even an "all clear; there's nothing left worth saving." You weren't a thief, and you didn't want to be one, but.. his safety mattered too much to you for this to be an easy call.

You contemplate this as you sweep the floor, dragging your feet, exhausted; you've been having to take extra shifts at work to cope with the monumental electricity bills as of late, and it's slowly but surely getting to you. Eclipse was doing dishes in the kitchen; menial tasks such as cleaning you've been allowing him to take over, granting him to "repay you" in this way (though of course you told him he didn't owe you anything). Even so, you weren't about to bother him with another-

You let out a small squeak as you're whisked off the ground and dropped onto the couch unceremoniously. "Nuh-uh!" Your animatronic roommate grins down at you, wagging a finger in a (cutely) nagging manner, "We agreed; cleaning is my job now! You do so much at work, not to mention everything you've done for me- no way am I letting you do this, too!"

His tone rings with finality as he towers over you from where you now lay, mechanical hands on his hips. You grumble. "Who programmed you with sass?"

"Oh, that's all me, Starshine," he continues to grin, not that he can do anything else with his faceplate, but his words convey a very smug emotion behind it as he starts sweeping.

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