dick carver

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"Hi Atlas."

Elia responded with a smile and blushed. Full on red cheeked blush. Elia, the badass 'fuck all men' (come to think of it she is just following her motto) women of all women blushed. For the second time that day, let alone hour, i wished i could put a photo of it up in a gallery.

I suspect Atlas was the testosterone filled male that aided her with the "one-off" event.
If not, he sure as hell should be with the tension between them. I was scared to breathe, and im not scared of many things.

I would title this painting "They had sex" I think it would really cut to the point. save all confusion. Im a strong believer in painting names being factual.
Atlas cleared his throat,
"I came to ask if you guys are gonna chat all night or actually come train?"
To that he sauntered off, Elia trotting behind him.
"but i have SOoo many questions."
I whined and dragged myself after the fuck bunnies.

There were around 20 people in this particular rebellion group. Apparently, they like to keep the groups small to limit chances of being found and reduce the amount of fallout if they were to be. However, communication between groups was very frequent and surprisingly hard to track. Not that i was supposed to know that.

Much to my distaste, everyone was paired off into different areas to practise manouvers. There were multiple reasons why this upset me a) no more staring at attractive men b) I've been doing these manouvers most of my life. it's boring
and c) I normally go with Elia, but im feeling generous today.

As such, i ignored my incredibly large amount of questions, deciding to be a good wingwoman, making Atlas train with her. That, however, left me with the flirtatious vomiter. I've never been more thankful for the cover i had over my mouth and nose.

I later found his name to be Grey, very fitting for his drab personality that was entirely made of sexual remarks, grabby hands, and piss poor flirting.
On the millionth loop of the same routine, I'd had enough. Grey had ignored my comments about his feet position and just made a statement about how he prefers different manouvers, and im welcome to try them anytime in his tent. His eyes were fixated on my chest, an easy distraction, more fool him.

Before he even knew my chest had moved from where he was gawking, i crouched down, leaning on my left arm, swinging my right leg into his legs hard, causing him to stumble over. He landed face first in dry the mud and scrambled to his knees.

How fitting, kneeling for the untitled queen.

I kicked his chest so that he would fall back and held my sword to his crotch.
Whatever healing the salve i had put on my back had done, it had been immediately erased by that little spurt of energy.

"Ever insinuate, i have sex with you again, I'll remove this little member and make it very difficult for you to perform your 'manouvers' again."

Due to us only meeting at ungodly hours, i was feeling rather tired, my back hurt, and i was pissed off at this idiot. Time to go home.

I turned towards the weapons tent, breathing through the increasing pain in my back when i felt a hand slap my ass. That. Little. Fucker.

I counted to three before i turned around, stopping myself from skewering him through the neck right there and then, only to be met with the pleading sounds of said little fucker.
"Please, no, i won't do it again. It was just a joke, a compliment even. I meant no harm."

I turned around to find a tall cloaked figure standing over Grey, who was on his knees again, shaking with fear. How poetic.
He should be afraid of me. Him being afraid of a man isn't going to make any difference to his actions.

"Hey, back off, i was looking forward to cutting his dick off."
"Yeah, back off." Grey felt the need to add.
"Shut your mouth, or your tongue will be cut off too, gods knows it's never pleasured a woman."
The figure emitted a deep laugh. "All yours, dick carver."
I quite like that name. I should get it put on my grave stone. I can imagine it now 'Sibella, beloved friend and dick carver'.

By now, everyone had turned to face the little scene that had played out between me, Grey, and the figure man. Elia's eyes pleaded me to not cause an even bigger scene. She isnt able to just walk away from all the drama, she has to stay with it day and night.
For her, and only her, i decided to spare Grey, for now.

"Im tired, goodnight." I dropped the sword, turned on my heel, and left.

While walking back through the woods, i was thinking of all the things i could do to Grey. Rats were too timid, and to be honest, i only used them on my step brother and stepmother because the kitchen had a few running around that needed disposed of.

A twig snapped behind me, and I tensed. I was Unsheathing a dagger while i walked, pretending not to have heard. I'm not making any rash decisions now. I need to locate the stalker before i kill them. Palming another dagger in my other hand, i pretended to check the stone piles for directions back. Not that i could go the way i intended if i was being followed.

Another step fell behind me, closer this time, not yet close enough. I waited until i could almost feel their body heat, and then i whirled around one arm against their torso, holding the dagger to their neck. the other holding a dagger to their abdomen.

The figure from before stared back at me, completely calm. While he was hooded, all i could see of him was his lips, angular jaw, and strong neck. His smirk solidified my opinion of him already.
"Playing hero earlier so you could cosy up to the damsel in distress?"
His smirk only grew.
"You are no damsel, nor are you in distress."
I repositioned my dagger.
"Then why are you following me?"
He shifted his body weight, and i leaned into the dagger more, i had the advantage right now. If i lost this knife to a neck advantage, i wouldn't have many others. For all his smirkiness he was tall and well built, enough that i couldn't win on strength alone.

"You aren't actually going to stab me, are you?"
"Move and find out."
He did that same low chuckle again.
This man-
"I've killed far prettier." I added with a flash of my smile. I hope i came off as sadistic.
"Ah, there she is, all threats, no follow through. I seem to remember you threatening the removal of something belonging to Grey. The last i saw, he's been walking just fine."

There goes the idea for the dick carver name on my gravestone.

Who does this man actually think he is. I have a blade to HIS neck, and he is toying with ME.
"All threats?" I replied and quirked an eyebrow. All threats, my ass i thought as i pressed the dagger into the flesh on his skin. Only for him to disappear from my grasp.
I swear to all gods that bless or torture this earth, i will make him kneel before me and beg me to not threaten him. I will wipe that smirk off his face.

I looked in the empty space where he had been and stuck my middle finger out to all nearby shadows, just in case he was still close by. Then something caught my eye, sat on the floor, and gently fluttering in the wind was my cloak.
I had forgotten my cloak.
That's why he had come after me.
To bring me my cloak.

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