2000th reason for murder

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I was not fine.

But they dont need to know that.

I stepped into the throne room with my chin up, shoulders back, and head held high. Every way a future queen should walk. Except i was not. A human cannot be queen.
"Lady sibella, how pleasant of you to join us."
I grinned and greeted him with a nod. "Pleasure to be here, Sir Small Dick."
"Sir Smulnick."
"Terribly sorry, Sir Smuldick."
"SIR SMULNICK you ungrateful little wench, taking up my time and your fathers with your conniving small human brain. He is YOUR KING"
"woah no need to get ur small dick in a twist - although that's a thought, would it actually be able to. If it's so small-"
A fist hitting the arm of the throne brought me back to the room and away from my thoughts of the size and twistability of a certain someone's appendage.
"You're right. Thinking about sir smuldicks appendege is making me feel rather ill."
"Sibella. I've had enough."
I feigned a gasp. "You feel ill too? Im terribly sorry. "
He only swirled his glass of whiskey in response, staring hard into the ambur liquid.
I dont like his silences. His silence means he is plotting.
His slow intake of breath had my heart rate at an all-time high.

"Care to tell me why my wife and your brother found a family of rats in each of their rooms?"
I was proud of that one. The shrieks they both made were so worth stuffing rats in the sleeves of my dress.
I wish i had been wearing this dress when i conducted the almighty rat plan. The dress i had chosen hid the rats well but nowhere near as comfortsbly as this one would've.

I gasped and took a step back. "There's a rat infestation! Dearest Father, why didn't you tell me sooner. Poor Clara will give herself a heart attack if she sees one, and then I'll have to employ a new maid, and then they might be scared of rats too and then -"
"SIBELLA." Im starting to think he has something against the purple velvet arm of his throne given how often he punched it. It was a disgusting colour. If i were him, I'd punch it, too.

"Enough lies. Your brother,"
"-Step, Step brother."
"Your brother and my wife seek your punishment in return for your act. Now i wish i didn't have to do this, but it's only fair."
It was not fair, and he enjoyed doing it. Just because i was born a human and not fae, my life was deemed worthless to him, and he enjoyed making it the worst he possibly could. So did sir Smuldick, who was bearing his ugly grin again as he passed my father the whip. "I do hope i get a turn," he breathed in my face while grabbing my shoulders and forcing me to my knees. He stank of whiskey. I hate whiskey.


I hate dresses. They are so difficult to remove alone. Clara was making herself scarce somewhere else in the castle, i refused to let her see me after a visit to the throne room. I can't stop her from seeing the scars that claw my back, but that is a much different sight to the raw bleeding indents that cover it now. My father is clever, in some aspects, he only ever marks my back which in todays fashion is never seen. He also married the mother of his illegitimate son as soon as my own mother passed away, giving him a "rightful heir."

If the thought of having someone who used their brain instead of the thing in their pants wasn't bad enough for him. I am human too, which for their long fae lifetimes makes my ascension to throne a minor blip in the timeline and not worth the effort it would take.

Fine by me, not being the heir means i am not hounded by guards. Which is incredibly convenient for my plans to slip out tonight.

After i had washed and applied an overly generous amount of salve onto my back, i got dressed into some fighting leathers and fashioned my now notty hair to be hidden behind my cloak hood. Fixing 3 of the 4 daggers into their places on my thighs. Wincing, i hunted under the discarded pillows for my fourth.

The clock chimed 11 30 pm, making me abandon my search, grab my cover, and dash out the servants entrance.

The Future QueenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang