Chapter 13

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Sarah barely slept that night. Her thoughts were consumed by what Jill had said. That she was in love with Mr. Walker. So all night she tried to figure out just exactly how she felt about him.

He was handsome, that she had to admit. Older than herself by quite a few years, but she knew many men who had married younger women. It wasn't out of the norm.

He was kind. Brave. Generous. Funny. But could she picture herself married to him? Could she picture herself without him.....forever?

Finally she slept.

"Have a late night?" her mother asked when she climbed down out of the wagon, yawning. "You were tossing and turning all night."

"I just couldn't sleep," Sarah said. "Must be the heat."

"Well, you'd better get some breakfast. I was just about to put it away. Mr. Walker wants to get moving fairly early this morning."

Sarah ate before helping her mother clean the dishes and pack everything back into the wagon. When she had finished, she fixed her hair into a neat braid and climbed up onto the wagon seat.

Her mother stared at her for a moment. "You're not going to walk this morning?" she asked.

"No. I'm not really in the mood." she replied quietly.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, Ma." she shook her head. "Nothing's wrong."

Her father walked over and double checked that they hadn't left anything, before climbing atop his horse. "Looks good. Let's get going!" He paused and looked at Sarah, sitting on the wagon seat with her mother. "Something wrong?"

"No. Why do you both think something's wrong?"

"Because you've insisted on riding or walking ever since we left. Now you suddenly want to ride with your Ma?"

"I'm just tired, Pa. I didn't sleep well last night."

"Alright then." he shrugged.

When the wagons stopped for lunch, Jill made herself a quick sandwich before walking back to find out what was wrong with Sarah. "Oh, there you are. You didn't come up to walk with me today, so I was wondering if you were sick or something."

"No, I'm not sick." Sarah said. "Why does everyone seem to think something's wrong just because I rode in the wagon today?"

"Because you never ride in the wagon, that's why." Jill said. "You're sure there's no fever? How many fingers am I holding up?"

Sarah pushed her hand down. "I'm fine."

Jill gasped. "You're avoiding Mr. Walker, aren't you?"

Sarah shushed her, glancing around to make sure her parents weren't close enough to overhear their conversation. "No, I'm not avoiding Mr. Walker. He can come see me any time he wants to. I'm trying to avoid trouble."

Jill laughed. Not just a soft giggle, but a full on laugh where she ended up holding onto her sides when her ribs started to hurt.

"It's not funny," Sarah huffed.

"You really think trouble can't find you here?" Jill asked, finally catching her breath.

"So, you do think trouble comes looking for me!"

"It's not that it comes looking for you, it's just that when it comes around, you and trouble just seem to run into each other." She motioned with her hands, clapping them together.

"So, what you're saying is you think it's absolutely meaningless if I try to stay away from trouble?"

"I mean, I don't know if it's meaningless," Jill shrugged. "But I doubt you're going to stay out of it for long."

Adventure on the Oregon TrailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora