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"A BATTLE THAT ENDS TODAY!" A robotic girl that seemed to be a miniature goddess flying in front of a camera said, "Because today is the first Annual Signing of the Belief Treaty!". "This treaty will hereby prevent any taking of Belief Energy by military force from the gods and goddesses of other nations," A robotic mini-goddess that looked almost identical to the other said. "Welcome to the first ever Belief Treaty Live Stream. Broadcasted from Mechanica," The two robotic mini-goddesses said, "We're your hosts Cybernetix 1 and 2".

The five deities took their positions on the platforms above Mechanica Tower-the home of Mechanica's god-as the treaty was being broadcasted across the world. "And here are the deities," Cybernetix 1 said.

"Matrix, the god of Mechanica. Also known as System Surfer," Cybernetix 2 said introducing Matrix. He was in his transformed state so his hair was it's usual dirty blonde color and his skin still being pale. But he was taller and his eyes had turned violet. He was wearing a nice tux with a cybernetic pattern.

"Angelica, the goddess of Heaven. Also known as Holy Light," Cybernetix 1 said introducing Angelica. She was transformed so her hair was long and golden blonde, her eyes were a crystalline blue, and she was wearing a dress that looked almost Greco-Roman while still being modern. She was also taller than her normal form.

"Devon, the god of Hell. Also known as Scarlet Crow," Cybernetix 2 said introducing Devon. In his transformed state his hair was a scarlet red with dark eyes. He was wearing an unkempt tux that exposed a bit of his chest because of three undone buttons.

"Daisy, goddess of Flower Forest. Also known as Gaea's Daughter," Cybernetix 1 said introducing Daisy. In her transformed state Daisy has long pink hair kept in braided pigtails decorated with flowers and vibrant green eyes. She was wearing a dress that made her look like a princess straight from a fairytale.

"And finally Lucio, god of Draconix. Also known as Scale Sword," Cybernetix 2 said introducing Lucio. In his transformed state his hair was a vibrant orange along with his eyes being a bright red. He was wearing an orange tux that had a cape with a dragon crest printed on it.

The five deities made it to the central platform and joined hands. "With this treaty we hereby state that we will work to better our nations for our own Belief Energy instead of taking it from other nations and creating peace in our world for as long as we all shall live," The five deities said in unison. Fireworks went off across Mechanica. Cybernetix 1 and 2 landed on a balcony and ended the livestream. The two robotic lifeforms changed back into their normal selfs. Cybernetix 1 having blue eyes and long dirty blonde hair that went down her back. Cybernetix 2 had a similar look but with short hair.

That night there was an after party in the square of Mechanica City. Matrix was doing work on holo-screens further away from the party. But then he heard the voices of his two little creations. The Cybernetix twins. Who he created to be his little sisters. "Matrix!" Cybernetix 1 and 2 said in unison as they leaped onto their older brother. Causing him to fall onto his back and lose his transformation. Turning him back into his normal self which is shorter than his transformed self with his dirty blonde hair and his violet eyes turned back into their normal blue color. "Seriously girls?" Matrix asked. "Sorry Matrix. I tried to keep them back as long as I could," Daisy said running after the Cybernetix girls. She changed back into her normal form with long black hair in pigtails, and brown eyes. "It's fine Daisy. They are my sisters after all. I programmed them to be like this. Though I do regret it sometimes," Matrix said, "Alright girls get off me". Cybernetix 1 and 2 got off of their brother and allowed him to stand up. The holo-screens behind him disappeared. "There are my girls," Lucio said to Cybernetix 1 and 2 while walking up to the group, "How have you two been?". "Good," The twins said in unison. "If you count jumping on me without warning good," Matrix said under his breath. Lucio reached into his pocket and pulled out two dragon scales. "Good job. Here's my gift," He said giving the scales to the girls. Cybernetix 1 and 2 took the scales. "So cool. Mine's pink!" Cybernetix 1 said. "Mine's purple so they totally match," Cybernetix 2 said. The two began jumping around in excitement. "Why do you spoil my sisters Lucio? You know they always misbehave despite them saying they're good," Matrix said. Lucio chuckled and turned back into his normal self. Outside of his transformation he had messy brown hair and blue eyes. "Well sometimes you just gotta give kids the benefit of the doubt," Lucio said. "I hardly believe that," Matrix said. "Why so that you can have an excuse to be a hard-ass?" Devon said as he and Angelica walked up to the group. The two changed back to normal. In human form Devon and Angelic had similar looks of white blonde hair and green eyes. Since they were twins and all. "Actually it's so they don't become spoiled brats and start thinking they can walk all over me," Matrix said to Devon. "Lighten up Matrix. We just signed the Belief Treaty. We're all friends here no need to be so agitated with each other," Angelica said. Matrix rolled his eyes. "Whatever. But just remember just because we're not having a punch out anymore doesn't mean we'll become best friends overnight," He said. The others sighed. "What?" Matrix asked. "Sometimes I think all the work you do to quickly evolve your nation gets to your head. It might just cause the world to end a second time," Lucio said. "Now don't say that i'm sure Matrix will take a break one of these days," Daisy said. Matrix scoffed. "You shouldn't be so worried about my work ethic. Especially when Devon's in the room. The only work he's ever done for his nation is fight us for our Belief Energy without doing any work to make his nation the best it can be," Matrix said. "That's because my nation is already the best it can be. There are no rules. People can do whatever they want. And every single crime in the world is legal," Devon said. "That probably explains why your Belief Energy is so low and you needed to take ours during the Belief Energy War," Angelica said. Devon growled. He did not like his sister calling him out like that. "Well i'm just happy that the treaty is signed and the war is over. Now we can all just relax and work on our respective nations' prosperity. C'mon guys. A toast to us," Daisy said raising a glass. Everyone else raised a glass and clinked them together.

5 Deities of the Post-ApocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now