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"I didn't ask for this.
It was given to me
With "no returns" on it.
I didn't want this life.
Why do I hate myself?
Why am I here?
I'm useless...
Nobody cares..."

All of this goes through your head.
At times you may wish you were dead.
What if I said "I want you to live on,
I don't want you to fade into oblivion,
I don't want to ever say goodbye...
My friend, I never want you to die."

Would you flinch a little,
Or would you remain
Unwavering with that
Knife to your body...

That knife whose cold metal
Slices through it all.

Your words...
Your thoughts...
Your pain...
Your arms...

These things are all important to me.
You've saved me before,
So give me a chance
To repay this debt
And save yours.

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