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The next morning I got out of bed and headed downstairs while thinking of this strange dream I had last night. It was about these six strange talking creature that came from another dimension and I let them stay here till they found a way home. But supricingly it wasn't a dream because these creatures were in my kitchen finding something to eat.

Oliver: (holy sh*t it wasn't a dream.)

Silverstream: morning Oliver!

Oliver: m-morning.

I walked pass by Silverstream to grab my favorite cereal, as I was about to poor it in the bowl it was now empty. I grabbed another but was also empty, grabbed another and it to was empty.

Oliver: hey! Who ate all three of my Chocolate Toast Crunch?!

No one answered, instead they turned they're heads away and whistle, I've seen this before in lots of media.

Oliver: you all ate it and just put it back when it's empty?

Sandbar: it was a good cereal.

Gallus: who knew this world you could have sugary sweet for breakfast.

Yona: best breakfast Yona had!

Oliver: don't blame you for that. But who put it back when it's completely empty? Is this some sort of joke?

No one answered again, but I noticed Ocellus eyes moving everywhere and sweaty a bit, she knows something that doesn't want me to know. I got close to her face and made eye contact with her.

Oliver: you know who it was, don't you?

Ocellus: n-no!

Oliver: look in the eyes when I'm talking to you.

She tried not to look at me but I kept staring at her, like I'm staring at her soul. Till now she looked me in the eyes and can't look away.

Oliver: tell me who it was.

Ocellus: ... it was Smolder!

Smolder: Ocellus!

Oliver: ha! Works like a charm. And Smolder why?

Smolder: it was just a harmless prank. No creature got hurt, plus I thought it will be funny how you react.

Oliver: we'll it's not funny when it involves the things I love, and I love Chocolate Toast Crunch. Now I have to go back grocery, but in the mean time I better make some Toast. Oh, and all of you start washing the dishes.

Gallus: what? Why?

Oliver: because all of you are living under my roof, and you expect to live here and do nothing? I'm not gonna have no freeloaders in my house.

Sandbar: he does have a point, we are living under his roof and he let us stay.

Ocellus: and the best way to repay him is to not be a freeloader and help him around the house.

Gallus: ugh! Fine, but I don't do mopping.

Silverstream: *hugs Gallus* that's the spirit, Gallus!

So they started cleaning up the dishes they used while I make my toast, after that they looked around my house to see many objects they've never seen back in they're world. And then my phone started ringing which caused them to be alarmed by it.

Sandbar: is there a fire?!

Yona: Yona no like that noise!

Smolder: where is it coming from?!

Oliver: everyone! Shut up! It's just my phone.

Silverstream: a what?

Oliver: my phone. I'll explain it later, but in the mean time don't make a noise.

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