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Summer is on its way

[Word count: 3080]

In the hallway, Risa stood poised against a row of lockers, her body language infused with restless energy. Her voice, as she engaged in conversation with Komaeda, carried a lively enthusiasm that seemed to echo through the corridor. Her eyes, sparkling with anticipation, darted back and forth, at Komaeda, then back down to her hands, her gestures punctuating her words as she animatedly conveyed her long awaited summer break plans.

"Summer break will go by like a breeze," Risa spoke sarcastically, but it coarsed with fervor, her eyes lit up like twin stars of anticipation. Her words carried the weight of a longing that had been building for too long, even if her words were so casual, they really meant 'im so excited for summer, so excited i know it'll go by so fast'. "Fucking finally, getting away from this shit hole. Well, it's actually not bad, but the fact it's a school just makes it unbearable, i mean, no not even that. Just that they expect me to conform to their stupid rules, no chance. Summer means freedom." She folded her arms, proud of her half assed speech, and Komaeda smiled.

Komaeda, known for his quirks, couldn't help but chime in with his own idea of summer. "Speaking of summer, I've been thinking about Calliope," he confessed with a hint of intrigue in his voice. "She's quite, interesting, don't you think?"

Risa's eyes lit up with enthusiasm, and she grinned mischievously. "You like her." She instantly perceived, and komaedas face flushed pink instantly.
"No not at all, wait no- i like her i mean she's a good friend, but i don't love her." As he explained himself, he happened to accidentally untie one of his shoelaces with the clumsy trip of his other foot, falling over himself as if his luck was comically showing him that he had 'fallen' for her.

"Well, whether you like her or not, Komaeda, how about I use my little tricks of the mind to make sure you two meet up, huh?" Her suggestion was accompanied by a knowing wink. "A bit of serendipity won't hurt, right? I'll make sure you get to spend some quality time with her."

"Isn't that manipulation?" He asks, nervous around that idea, only because the manipulation would be used on Calliope, otherwise he'd be fine with it.

"Well, no, but if i just so happen to cancel plans on her because im too busy with my family's business, you can swoop in and be all-" Risa messed up her hair quickly so that it would mimic Komaedas, her arms landing on her hips to mimic his exact stance, "Calliope, how about you and me go out instead huh?" Risa perfectly mimicked Komaedas way of talking, her voice matching his tone and her body language seeming indistinctly the same as his own, it was a little talent of hers through being able to act and put up a mask.

Komaeda's gratitude was evident as he clasped his hands together and replied, "That's.. so weird." Komaeda got closer to Risa, analysing her, and she found it eztremely weird and fixed her hair to how it would normally look, back to normal she folded her arms and leant against the lockers again. "So? What about it? Yes or no?"

"Risa, you're a true miracle worker! I can't thank you enough." Komaeda went to hug her out of instinct, but she put a single arm outwards, holding him away from her. 

"Yeah whatever, pay me back next year." She smirked, starting to walk away from him, but he followed.

"I owe you?" He questioned, exclaiming a little loudly that others noticed them just for a moment.

"Well yeah, im manipulating my best friend into hanging out with you, you owe me." She smiled so widely, she knew what she was doing when she set this condition, she would catch him on a back luck day and use that to her benefit.

"Fine.." Komaeda pouted, hoping that Risa would take back her statement but of course she didn't, she just ignored him and turned the corner in hope peaks halls.

As Risa continued her journey down the hallway, her steps purposeful and her spirit still buoyant and animated, her path eventually converged with Calliope's. The latter greeted her with a sly and knowing smile, her eyes dancing with mischief. "Risa, you're practically radiating-"

"I know." Risa smiled as Leon walked over to the small group that had started to form in the hallway. He stayed silent but he made sure to stick to Risas side.

 "I was going to say, you're radiating excitement about summer break." she remarked, her tone carrying a hint of teasing, she couldn't help but want to say more but with Leon here she didn't want to embarrass Risa. "Looking to escape finally?" She said instead of her actual intended words.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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