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Theyre not as bad as i thought..

[Word count: 2798]

A week had passed since Risa and Byakuya's revealing encounter in the elevator. 

It was a typical school day at Hope's Peak Academy, with students bustling about and the atmosphere filled with anticipation and the weight of expectation. Risa strolled leisurely through one of the dimly lit hallways, her decision to skip classes once again a testament to her lack of enthusiasm for conforming to mundane expectations.

As she turned a corner, she almost collided with Byakuya, who was conspicuously lingering in the hallway, his usual scowl etched across his aristocratic features. His eyes narrowed as he spotted Risa, and he couldn't resist the urge to hurl an insult in her direction. It had become a routine for him, a habit of belittling her that he had perfected over time. "Such, ignorance."

She shot a glare at him, pausing her walk for a moment to look him in the eyes, "this again? i thought we were over this." She sounded fed up with the constant arguing, but that wasn't the truth, she has always been the argumentative angry type, she lived for the drama.

"Fine, ill word it in a way your small brain can understand." He shifted his position so that he faced her properly, his arms folding despite having a book in his right hand, "someone stupid, like you, needs school, and here you are." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Funny." Risa continued to walk on, ignoring his comment, but he continued to press on.

 "You truly are a waste of space, aren't you? Skipping class as if anyone expects you to achieve anything."

Risa had been transformed by the events of that fateful elevator encounter. No longer did Byakuya's insults strike her with the same force they once did, she used to get so incredibly angry, but now she just had a small sense of frustration, she understood him but she still wanted to know more. She could see beyond his harsh words, recognizing there was something deeper behind them. With a smirk, she retorted in a lighthearted tone, "Well, what can I say, Togami? I've got better things to do than sit in a shitty, stuffy classroom all day."

Byakuya, though still wearing his typical scowl, was momentarily taken aback by her response. Her demeanor had shifted, and he sensed a hint of something he hadn't seen before: defiance mixed with amusement. He couldn't deny a flicker of curiosity this time, prompting him to question, "And what might those 'better things' be?"

With a shrug, Risa left the question open, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Why do you care, Togami? If you want to know so bad, then come see for yourself."

Byakuya, usually too proud to give in to curiosity, hesitated for a moment. 

As he stood there, contemplating whether to act on his curiosity, a unique opportunity presented itself. Risa had suddenly embarked on a journey, one that had remained concealed from Byakuya's prying eyes. She was venturing into uncharted territory, revealing a side of her life that he knew absolutely nothing about. The chance to delve into her world, to unravel the mysteries that shrouded her existence, was one that might not come again.

In that pivotal moment, Byakuya's internal struggle between his unwavering pride and the magnetic pull of his curiosity played out. It was as if he stood at the precipice of an adventure, an opportunity to uncover the enigma that had long eluded him. He hesitated, his heart and mind engaged in a silent battle. Should he remain true to his reserved, prideful nature, or should he succumb to the allure of the unknown and follow Risa into the depths of her secrets?

Ultimately, his desire to uncover the truth about Risa overcame his pride. With a resolute breath, he decided to take that fateful step, to follow her down the path less traveled, and perhaps, in doing so, unveil the layers of mystery that had captivated his imagination for long enough now.

Romance AU - ByakuRisaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن