A sad wife

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The sharp noise of the dagger whisteling through the air was satisfying. It was not as satisfying as the dull thud it made when it met its mark, but it made me happy nonetheless.
Clara hissed her annoyance, along with many carefully chosen words, at the dagger being embedded in the door beside her left ear.
"I swear, you will have no one left to tend to you if you do that every time someone comes into the room." she huffed while propping her foot against the door to dislodge the metal from the knackered wood.

"How else would i make everyone, but you, avoid me?" I threw back with a wink.
"You do that well enough without sharp pointy things,"
I removed the dagger off the door for her with a deep bow at the compliment to my skill.

Clara was my maid. Well, i say maid.. that's what she was employed for, but we became fast friends. Im glad we get along, not just because no one will come near me (and by association, near her), but because our mothers were friends too.
It feels poetic in some sense.

With a deep sigh, Clara spoke, "You have dinner with your father in half an hour."
Well, if i knew she was going to make me do that, then i would've let the dull thud of the dagger be in her head. My eyes must've told her as much because she swiftly removed the dagger from my hands.
"Stop plotting my demise and start brushing your hair. I didn't request your presence. Your dad did. Plot his death instead." Oh, i had. About 1,998 different ways, a few of them quite inventive acctually, makes me dissapointed that death is such a final thing and i can't enact them all.

Just as i was thinking of my 1,999th plan involving a spinning board and many daggers, a brush got tugged through my hair, and all thoughts left my head except for the pain of my scalp
"As much as im sure i would look just as attractive bald, i would quite like to avoid becoming so."

"Well, if you actually took care of this rats nest instead of throwing it up for every waking hour and forgetting to untie it when you go to bed. Then maybe i wouldn't support the notion of you losing it all. It would sure make my life easier."

Rolling my eyes, i let her finish twisting and painfully pulling my hair into some fancy updo to which i promptly grimaced at.
"I dont get payed enough for dealing with you, you ungrateful bitch." she said with a smile, jabbing me in the shoulder. I returned the favour with the biggest grin i could muster.
"I know just the thing to wipe that horrible smile off your face."
"Oh gods."
Making a fanfare noise, Clara produced the most vile looking gown i have ever seen. It was the colour of a severely dehydrated persons piss.
The sleeves were baggy and tight at the same time. I could comfortably house a family of rats in the puffiness of the shoulders. Dont even get my started on the bows that adorned the bodice.

"I will kill you, Clarence. I swear to -"
"You know i hate that name."
I did, that's why i used it. Some boys called her it when we were 7 when she was wearing trousers instead of a skirt, apparently that meant she was a guy? She cried for a few days after, convinced she was ugly. dumb idiots got many punches from me. Gods, if i met them now, they wouldn't be able to open their mouths. Never mind, speak the name clarence ever again.
"Clarence Clarence Clarence"
I yelled while chasing her around my room.
I had vowed to kill anyone who would make her cry again. Her pain is my pain, and i would take it as such. An insult to me.
"Sibella Sibella Sibella."
I hate that name.
Her giggles filled the room as she threw pillows over her back.

"This is no way for a future queen to behave."
We both stilled. I didn't need to turn around to know whose voice was at the door. "Dickhead" i mouthed to Clara who was patting down her clothes as if fixing the wrinkles would erase what Smulnick just saw. Turning slowly i adressed the stoutly man "What are you doing in my rooms? surely you should know by now that a ladies' rooms is no such place for a man to be before they are wed as the ladies husband. As far as im aware we are not wed. The only other reason i can think for a man to be in my room is for pleasure. Which is still no place for you, a man who cannot provide me anything of use. Sir Small Dick."

His chubby face turned red and to fully drive the statement home i pouted and wiped imaginary tears away with my pinkie finger.
Clara supressed a laugh behind me and Smulnick spat out a response.
"Its Sir Smulnick, Lady Sibella, and I'll have you know i have a very happy wife."
"Are you sure? The poor thing probably doesn't even know you're there when you're having -" a cough from Clara cut me off.
He sniffed far too aggressively and shuffled back towards the door, grabbing the door handle he turned to face me, a gross smile on his face.
"You are to be seen in the Throne room, there will be no dinner" And the door slammed shut behind him.
Well shit, ive gone and done it now.

Clara's eyes met mine, gone was the giggling girl from moments before, now she only looked concerned. "Sib are you-"
"Oh dont mother me, you big softy, I'll be fine." I will be fine. Her eyebrows knitted together but she didnt push it any further. I will be fine. She went and grabbed the ugly dress and motioned for me to come to her. I will be fine. Much to Claras happiness, I got into the dress without any more complaints. I will be fine. I walked towards my bedroom door that sir small dick had not long since slammed. I will be fine. I will be fine. I will be fine.

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