Narcissa: Your father wants to talk to you 

She said with an unsure look on her face while pointing at the doors, I looked at her confused before I nodded with a bit of hesitation building inside me. I walked towards the doorstep and knocked on the door before I heard an unfamiliar voice telling me to enter. I looked at my mother who was standing a few meters away, and she signed for me to enter the room, and that is what I did even if my feeling was telling me not to. I entered the big room while closing the door behind me to find my father and Flint standing next to the chair of the large desk. I couldn't see the person who was sitting in the leather chair because they had his or her back turned to me and was looking out of the window at my mother's beautiful garden.

?: It is an honor for me to meet the newest Malfoy

The unfamiliar voice said, and Flint signed for me with his hand to come closer to them. I hesitated, not moving for a minute until the voice spoke again

?: Don't be afraid young Malfoy I don't bite, Nagini might, but I won't hurt you if you don't make me to 

The voice said, and I started walking towards the leather sofa taking a seat and facing the chair in front of me before it started turning towards me slowly. I felt my heart drop when I came across a face I had only seen in books and newspapers and the two well-known red eyes that every wizard in the world was scared of 

Lord Voldemort

I felt my hand grab the pillow that was next to me in fear, regretting the fact that I left my wand in my room while my eyes hadn't lost the eye contact that I was making with the Dark Lord whom no one believed he was back. He was petting a snake that was sitting in his lap and I shallowed in fear while knowing who I was looking at

Y/n: What do you want for me?

I said with pure disgust in my voice and a smile appeared on his face 

Voldemort: Well, I thought your father had already informed you about it! Didn't you tell your daughter Lucius?

He said looking at my father who was taken aback by his question and my eyes fell on him too

Y/n: Tell me what?

I asked, my eyes not leaving my father's figure. He looked scared and opened his mouth to say something but immediately closed it again and looked at the floor

Voldemort: Well, every generation of the Malfoy family had the honour to become a deatheater and I believe that it is time for the youngest one to join also 

He said, and I felt my eyes widen at his words, not believing what he was saying. My father was planning to make me a horrible copy of him and make me a murderer like he was without my knowing. And then he wonders why I hate him

Y/n: Sorry to break this to you, but I am not interested in joining your little killing club

I said, not regretting any of my words, and my father's eyes snapped in my direction in fear, realising that I had spoken back at the darkest wizard of all time, but I didn't care. My father took his eyes off me and looked at the Dark lord, who looked surprised by my words

Lucius: She is not meaning it, my Lord. She is indeed very happy to join you

He said, and Voldemort smiled before he pointed with his finger at the door

Voldemort: Let me speak to Miss Malfoy alone for a minute 

He said, and both the eyes of my father's and Flint's widened at the same time before Flint turned to the dark lord with a pleading look

Marcus: My lord I can ensure you that my fiancé didn't mean any of her words, she is just in pure shock that's it 

He said, but Voldemort didn't hear them and just picked up his wand, and with a movement of his wand he threw them both out of the room while locking the door. I looked at the locked door in horror while starting to regret my words before he stood up and walked towards me

Voldemort: So tell me Y/n, how is the Weasley boy doing?

He asked, taking a seat next to me.I looked at him in horror and anger at the mention of Percy's name 

Y/n: Don't bring Percy into this 

I said looking at him with anger building inside me and all the fear I had started to disappear 

Voldemort: But you care about him, don't you? Your feelings for him are so strong that you would even die for that blood traitor, wouldn't you?

He asked with an evil smile on his face, but I didn't answer, even if I knew that what he said was indeed true. I just looked on the floor and at the little pink paper ring on my finger

Voldemort: Well, I will put it, this was for you! You join my- how did you call it-? Oh yeah, my little killing club, or he dies! It is your choice, Y/n!

He said looking at me with his evil red eyes before he grabbed my bracelet with the little heart on it from my wrist and stood up 

Y/n: Wait, what are you doing?

I asked confused while looking at him walking around the room while playing the bracelet in his fingers with his familiar evil smile on his face

Voldemort: That is a pretty bracelet indeed, but too bad you won't be needing it anymore 

He said, throwing it at the ground before he stepped on it, completely destroying it. I felt my heart break into pieces while looking at the destroyed bracelet on the floor. I immediately fell on my knees while taking it in my hands with tears filling up my eyes. My last chance of communicating with ginger was gone, it was entirely gone

Voldemort: You have until your wedding day to make your decision 

He said, exiting the room and leaving me sitting on the floor with the bracelet in my hands and a broken sob leaving my mouth. What was I going to do?

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