chapter two

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Picture of Aubrey above

Christian P.O.V

I woke up to my brother banging on the bathroom door which was next door to mine. It was a Monday morning and people are already yelling as they were getting ready for school.

"Patricia will you hurry up!" Max yells banging harder on the bathroom door. "I have to pee!"

"I'm doing my makeup you can wait!" Patricia yells through the closed door.

"Nobody cares if you put makeup on you look the same any way."

"Really, Patricia opens the door leaving a crack to peer out, I look the same?" she asked.

"Yeah....ugly!" Max snorts holding his stomach.

" Ugh... you're such a douche bag." Patricia says slaming the door again.

I roll out of bed and grab a pair of shorts off my dresser because I sleep naked and walk into the hallway while I pulling them up.

I push pass Max and open the door to the bathroom.

"What the hell Chris!" Patricia yells at me.

"Get out!" I yell at Patricia pointing towards the door.

"Ugh I hate you!" Patricia pushes pass me as she walks out giving Max a glare.

Max stands there giving me a look as if asking for permission to enter the bathroom. I nod my head for him to enter, he gives me a greatful look and rushes in the bathroom. I leave the bathroom and head down stairs right as Patricia is leaving to catch the high school bus. She gives me a nasty glare while yelling out

"Bye, love you mom and dad."

"Morning chris, you want some breakfast?" My Mom asks me as I entered the kitchen.

"Nah I'll have apple jucie thanks!"

I grab a bottle out the frige and head back up stairs. I look in the bathroom and its empty. So I turn on the shower head and jump in.

* 20 minutes later*

I dry off and put on some jeans and a white t -shirt with my black leather Jacket and my off white Nike's.

While heading down stairs I grab my bag of the couch before I walk out I yell up to Max.

"You need a ride Max?"

"Nah, Liam's coming to pick me up thanks though."

"Alright, bye mom!"

I close the door behind me and sit on the hood of my black Mustang waiting for Aubrey to come outside.

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